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April 16, 2021

It seems so obvious that "truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth" is what everyone is supposed to be producing. But corrupters don't accept that fact.

Corrupters produce a counter-reality in a covert manner. They have "dog whistle" meaning to their words which attempt to undermine normalcy, as if normalcy were a plot by ignorant persons.

When conservatives say government laws force them to fight their war with one hand tied behind their back, they are implying a counter-reality as the answer. They do a "fill in the blanks" type of analysis. They raise a question and imply the answer without saying so. They don't put the answer into words, because words defeat them.

Why do words defeat corrupters? Because they aren't supposed to be doing what they are doing. The openness that words produce is the test of rightness, while corrupters assume the test of rightness is wrong and they have a superior method of doing things. Corruption is supposedly a secretive and superior method of doing things. Corruption is an ethic.

The use of words causes truth to evolve. Corrupters can't stand that. Truth is the only force they cannot defeat. So they pretend that truth is an evil rather than a virtue. Should the courts be promoting lies, the whole lies and nothing but the lies? The secretive ethic of corrupters indicate that they should.

Why does the ethic of corrupters need to be secretive, if it is a superior standard? Their purposes do not stand up to open evaluation. Should not something superior stand up to openness? Corrupters assume that the best of everything must be concealed to protect it from something.

How much of a solution to anything can something be if it needs to be sheltered from exposure? If a flower needed to be protected from exposure, what could it accomplish? It is designed to maximize exposure through colorful patterns.

Obviously, what corrupters are trying to protect from exposure is destructivity which they try to rationalize. Destructivity needs to be protected from the truth that exposure produces, because no one would expect destructivity to solve their problems. Corrupters lie about it and don't want gullible fools to know the truth.

They came for the Jews and I did nothing because I wasn't a Jew.

The Niemoller prose explains what happens when there is no sin but the truth about sin. Denying and concealing corruption only allows it to increase. All corruption victimizes, first, the most vulnerable persons. But all corruption increases until it affects everyone.

What Constructivity Is

The Significance Of Universality

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is TOP



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