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How Constructivity Works


November 3, 2020

Constructivity is complex and demanding. Corrupters know noting of it. In fact, they oppose all elements of the requirements and standards such as truth, knowledge and rationality.

In place of constructivity, corrupters promote winning, which is based on selfishness. No one gains anything from corrupters winning, yet everyone is supposed to promote that purpose as a greater wisdom.

Constructivity requires rationality. One of the characteristics of corruption is an intolerance of rationality.

Corrupters expect to eradicate rationality from society and still have products. How then do they assume products are produced? They leave it to others while assuming that corruption is a superior method of doing everything including producing products.

In between bottom level corruption and rationality the assumption is that rudimentary activity is all it takes to produce products. There is no concept of rationality being a requirement for constructivity outside the world of rational persons.

Constructivity requires an alignment upon the laws of the universe. Rationality is how that is done. With complex technology and social structures, the demands upon rationality are extreme. The demands cannot be met by corrupters.

In fact, the demands don't get met by persons who are too superficial in their assumptions and don't get serious enough about rationality. An example is the latest aircraft carrier which was supposed to have eight elevators for moving aircraft to the deck. Magnetic lifts were designed for that. There is no such thing as a magnetic lift and never will be. So one normal elevator was patched in, presumably by cutting up the deck and doing it the usual way.

The demands upon rationality are so great that rational persons align their existence upon the demands. Corruption, to a large extent, is not taking rationality that seriously.

The ultimate example is the assumption that Trump can produce endless lies and describe a different version of reality for every purpose and still get elected again as a president. It could happen. That's not taking rationality anywhere near serious enough.

To corrupters, there is no sin but the truth about sin. It means destructivity is ok, but producing truth about it is not. What is wrong about producing truth? Truth informs and creates demands for expected results. Opponents of truth assume people should not be informed or get the results that are expected.

Corruption is the assumption that decadence is the answer and truth is the problem. Rationality is the assumption that decadence is the problem and truth is the answer.

Objective Reality Creates The Demands

Constructivity is objectively determined. That means people have no choice about how it works; the universe determines that.

What the universe says is, everything must be put together in just the right way, or it won't work properly. Science and engineering were produced for that reason. Those subjects determine how to put things together the right way so they work properly.

Therefore, correct science and engineering tell us how constructivity works. knowledge is required. Standards are required. Accountability must determine if the requirements are being met and truth is required to correct errors.

But those are creative processes. More rudimentary is the problem solving process. The same requirements exist for simpler tasks.

If problems have to go unsolved until some end point is reached, the process breaks down before getting there. Yet corrupters must always start at the end point, which requires them to pretend away the problems instead of solve them.

Since corrupters must start at end points, it's not easy for anyone to solve problems along the way without corrupters running interference. The result is that a conflict develops all along the path of constructivity, as rational persons try to solve and prevent problems, while incompetent corrupters run interference.

Therefore, progress requires a lot of individual activity with the rights, freedom and resources to accomplish results without interference. The rights require something like the U.S. Bill of Rights protecting individuals. The freedom requires a situation of independence. The resources require an economy that is working well.

These things almost never exist, but they would be found almost randomly in the U.S., where inventors and creative persons were producing solutions to problems. The "new normal" does not allow such things, as it's purpose is to promote power at the expense of rationality.

Yet, corrupters assume they are in the process of solving their problems by obliterating rationality from the social order. Renewable energy, electric vehicles and self-driving are not really about renewable energy, electric vehicles and self-driving. Those things self-destructed years ago, and only a fake image remains. The purpose of the fake technology, as well as fake science, is to monger power through fakery.

Mongering power through fakery does not produce products or solve problems. But corrupters don't know that. They assume they can destroy rationality and still have complex technology. They don't know that it takes rationality to create and sustain complexities.

When rational persons produce constructivity, a complex process is involved which places demands for constructivity on everyone else. What it means is that even if rational persons are not demanding rationality, their constructivity is creating demands for rationality. Corrupters cannot tolerate demands for rationality, because the process exposes their incompetence and corruptness. So corrupters hate rational persons simply for being constructive.

By contrast, corrupters require ultra simplicity, often as reductionism, in their attempts to strip the demands of rationality from a subject. They hate persons who try to correct the absence of rationality from a subject by filling in the missing realities.

An example is the claim that renewable energy is on par with coal. The slightest addition of reality to the subject exposes the fraud.

Destructivity Is A Reaction Against Constructivity

Incompetent power mongers tear down constructivity and assume doing so is constructivity. The assumption is visible in the self-righteousness that goes with the destructivity of corruption.

Constructivity requires standards, while corrupters are condemned by their destructive standards. So corrupters substitute values for standards. They are promoters of values as the answer to everything. Values should be personal and subjective, while corrupters promote a version of values as everyone's business.

This problem is visible in totalitarian dictators. People are supposed to worship the dictator because of his values, not because he can add and subtract. What was Hitler? A bag of values who couldn't add and subtract.

There are infantile rules that go with the process, but they are concealed rules, sort of like secret knowledge. They have to be inconspicuous, because they are so ridiculous and self-condemning. One such rule is to speak in opposites, so no one can accuse the corrupters of doing what they are doing. Another rule is to obfuscate as a method of protecting realities from attack by opponents. Another is to distract as a method of moving the focus of a subject away from criticism.

So when corrupters see rational persons defying all of those rules, they assume rational standards reflect the naivety of fools. Why would anyone do things openly with clear descriptions allowing others to attack the process?

Notice in all of this that corrupters are so absorbed in themselves and their personal problem of being worthless corrupters that they have nothing constructive to add to anything.

Someone has to operate by constructive standards to create a human state of existence. It's the difference between humans and animals. Humans design a social state of existence, which requires constructivity.

The human state starts with molecules. Human bodies are made of molecules; food is made of molecules and technology is made of molecules. Molecules don't listen to crap. There are laws of the universe which humans cannot defy in creating an existence with molecules.

Getting aligned upon the laws of the universe instead of defying them is required for constructivity. That means knowledge instead of fakery and fraud along with the rationality required for applying knowledge to the solution to problems.

Constructivity Is A Process

Creating things and solving problems are processes. To work properly, the processes must be aligned upon objective reality starting with the laws of the universe. The persons disappear in the process, which is what objectivity means.

But corrupters condemn themselves if they related to objective reality, because all interactions of realities cause truth to evolve. Truth is the only force corrupters cannot subdue.

So corrupters are forced out of the objective state of existence and into a subjective state, which means imposing values in conflict with realities.

Values are supposed to be removed from social interactions, because they are arbitrary and variable. But corrupters have no other state of social existence but their imposition of values. Should not that state of existence be self-condemning? It certainly should, but no one condemns corrupters for their state of existence, because power mongers imposed a discipline upon naive persons requiring them to never show evidence of morality being relevant.

To remove moral implications from everything social, there is no difference between constructivity and destructivity. Objective reality defines the difference. With nothing but values, there is no objective reality to define destructivity or corruption.

It seems strange that the imposition of values where objectivity is required is ignored as if normal, when it is so self-condemning. It's like not seeing the emperor wearing no clothes.

Constructivity is not possible without the objective reality that corrupters omit and replace with values. How can corrupters be the answer to everything, which they claim, with no possibility of being constructive?

Basically, liberalism is promoting the processes of constructivity, while conservatives impose values preventing constructivity from being produced. Liberals focus on processes, while conservatives focus on values. Processes are part of a social responsibility, while values are different for each person and not supposed to be imposed.

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

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