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The Conservative Cause

March 22, 2022

Conservatives are obviously driven. The polarization that is preventing results in Washington is not a two-sided battle. It is an obstruction battle by conservatives. Obstructing progress shows the motives of conservatives.

Superficially, conservatives are trying to align social values upon their own values. That in itself should be condemning, first because it is subjective meddling in other peoples' lives, secondly because conservative values are corrupt and thirdly because doing so is not getting anything more constructive done through objective reality and rationality.

In other words, the most obvious, outwardly visible result of conservatives is their fighting a war against the universe. Only corruption has to be imposed. Constructivity is not an imposing process. It is aligning life upon the universe that creates life. Aligning is not imposing. Aligning means everyone can determine independently what the requirements of the universe are. Science reveals the minute details of the requirements of the universe.

The impositions of conservatives are destructive, which means conservatives are promoting corruption. But corrupters do not assume their corruption is corruption, because they believe in their corruption. Believing in corruption results in a preposterous degree of self-righteousness for destructivity.

The purpose of promoting corruption is visible in the positions conservatives take. They are on the wrong side of all issues, even though they claim otherwise. They promote torture, which is the most obvious and heneous of corruptions. There is no excuse for torture for any reason, wars or no wars. Destroying people for a reason means everyone must eventually be destroyed.

Promoting racism including attacks upon outsiders is not concealed by conservatives. Within days of Trump taking over the presidency, everyone from ten different countries were blocked at the border with no regard for their U.S. citizenship or passports, as if the country were on the verge of being overthrown. It included anyone from Venezuela, which is a totally Christian country.

Fighting a war against the lower classes is one of the most visible motives of conservatives, as they take from the needy and burn tax dollars to prevent the government from solving social problems. Conservatives trying to destroy social security has been a recurring task with each new Congress.

Underlying those activities is the motive of promoting and believing in corruption as the real solution to problems. That purpose was the essence of Reaganism. In 1981, the prevailing political forces moved out of the hands of liberals and into the hands of conservatives. Creating a "new normal" was the stated purpose by conservatives. "Morning in America" was Reagan's description of the result. Those concerns show that conservatives were, and are, driven to change the most basic of social standards.

Superficially, the dispute is just politics. But politics doesn't work that way. Politics is supposed to be applied to governmental activities, not the values, standards, purposes and motives of the public.

Conservatives take over government and all sources of power in an attempt to change the human relationship to the universe. That's what corruption is. It's an attack upon the universe. Corrupters believe in their corruptness, because it flows out of them. They assume that only what flows out of them can solve their problems. That means no laws or government must be allowed to get in the way. It's why Reagan said government is the problem. Governments create laws, and corrupters cannot tolerate laws getting in the way of their impossible task of turning corruption into virtue.

The Underlying Cause

Underlying all corruption is domination, bigotry, jealousy, nihilism, etc.—the basic moral corruptions that drive corrupt persons. But corrupters are clueless. They don't understand the forces that drive them. If they did understand, the corruption would end. Awareness ends corruption.

All corruption is subconscious. That means decisions are made in the past while not remembering them. Then more decisions are built upon earlier decisions. As decisions build upon decisions, they drift. They drift in the direction of the underlying motives.

Therefore, what is visible in the conservative cause are the rationalizations rather than the causes. Conservatives, and all corrupters, are looking for excuses to explain their corrupt motives. They search high and low in the liberal area to find excuses for the corruptness that drives them.

"Wokeness" is a pretext for blaming the victims—an excuse for bigotry, jealousy, domination and nihilism. It has nothing to do with the objective realities of liberals. There is no rational analysis of what wokeness is or should be. There is nothing there but a pretext for bigotry, jealousy, domination, etc.

"Multiculturalism" is not an objective reality that can be evaluated. There is no such thing as a homogeneous culture. There is just the rationalizations of corruption based upon anything that can be found among enemies to explain the motives of corruption.

Corruption is always self-defeating. As corrupters destroy themselves, they assume someone is doing them an injustice. So they look for the injustice as coming from their enemies, while the injustices being done to them comes out of their own subconscious corruptions.

Being clueless, corrupters search for an explanation for their problems. They attach to anything negative that they can apply to opponents. The resulting rationalizations are extremely fluid having no relationship to reality.

On top of that, what corrupters accuse others of always applies to themselves for two major reasons: One, they are only familiar with what applies to themselves; and two, they want to pretend that someone else has more of that problem than they do. So they project their own guilt onto opponents.

For those reasons, the accusations of corrupters are virtually a confession of their sins with no relationship to anyone else. They are fighting a war against themselves as a reflection in a mirror. Subconscious corruptions such as bigotry and jealousy do that.

Having Nothing To Lose

Trump said blacks should vote for him, because they have nothing to lose. Trump represents those who have nothing to lose.

Having nothing to lose is the driving force for conservatives. They are so incompetent and corrupt that there is no legitimate place for them in government or social structures. So they are lashing out at the rational world and trying to prevent anyone else from being any better off than they are.

The example that applies is the fired employee who gets a gun and shoots the other employees. They do that because they don't have a chance of getting another job after being fired for incompetence and corruptness.

Conservatives are at that point due to their total incapability of functioning properly under increasingly demanding conditions. The world became too complex and demanding for them. As deterioration occurs, due to incompetent power mongers taking over the social structures, the demands increase for solving problems.

It's the upper class equivalent of terrorism. Conservatives are at a point where they want to destroy everything, because they have no chance of meeting the demands for solving problems and they don't want anyone else to be better off than they are.

Values Vs Constructivity

Constructivity is needed to solve problems. Promoting values creates problems. When conservatives do nothing but impose their values, they are creating problems rather than solving them.

Who is going to solve problems, while conservatives create problems? The liberals? After conservatives rip them off and fight a war against them and the social structures needed for solving problems?

Conservatives are destroyers creating problems and preventing anyone from solving them. Yet they use the most noble slogans for their destructivity. They start by pretending to love the kids and pets more than anyone else. Then they pretend that they are more moral by promoting slogans related to religion.

It takes a lot of concerted effort to solve problems in a complex society. Conservatives are disrupting the process by meddling in other peoples' values with no other purpose.

Words are needed to manage the complexities for solving problems. Conservatives use no words related to the processes needed for solving problems. They assume that everything comes out of a dark pit devoid of words. Supposedly, magical solutions are superior to described solutions.

Conservatives got that way by riding on the exploitable results of other persons. To exploit, they attack and degrade to channel the results of others.

Corrupters believe in their corruptions. They assume that exploitation is ingeniousness, because they have no awareness of the complex realities required for producing results.

Objective realities need to be developed to every extent possible to solve problems. That means knowledge needs to be acquired starting with the laws of the universe and the real science that produces basic knowledge.

Conservatives do none of that. They assume having the right values is the answer to everything. Not the least reason is because they have no use for social structures. Ordered existence leaves them behind. They assume they can party forever, while everything comes out of nowhere.

How Words Are Used By Conservatives

Conservatives will never state directly what their concerns are, because their positions are not justifiable and their words defeat them. So they imply. Imply means surrounding a subject with a bunch of bitching and implying that surely they wouldn't be bitching if there weren't something to bitch about.

The bitching includes all the negativism and scandal they can throw at opponents with no explanation of what they are talking about. Maximum flak is directed at opponents, while destroying opponents is their only purpose in life. They assume someone is causing their problems and getting rid of them is the solution.

In other words, the conservative method of argument is to create a scandalous context for subjects which they never describe. Simply being upset about something is supposed to condemn their opponents.

Implied in that process is their own integrity being unquestionable and superior to the persons they are attacking. With no explanations, everything rides on the integrity of the attacker. Just trust us; we have a good reason for degrading someone, is their message.

One of the strangest things about conservatives is their assumed self-worth, not as constructive contributors to solving society's problems but as models of superior values, purposes and motives. Replicating their superior values is supposed to be the answer to everything, while they are nothing but Nazi wannabes destroying vulnerable persons, fighting a war against the lower classes and tearing down government and social structures that impose rationality upon them.

The March To Fascism

Draining The Economy Dry

Power Shapes Conspiracies

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is

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