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Deterioration Of Social Standards


January 27, 2022

There are not words and concepts developed for describing social deterioration; but there has been very serious social deterioration, and it needs to be described. Developed fascism is the overview. What lies below it and where it comes from is not explained in journalism.

In fact, that state of nihilism is an example of what social deterioration is. Under normal conditions, anything relevant would be explained. Under present conditions, there is no such attempt.

Be sure to notice that journalism was supposed to be responsible for the condition of reality for society. The journalism greats kept telling us that. They could not imagine how degenerate journalism has become in its dereliction of duty in keeping the public properly informed. It is through journalism that incompetent power mongers impose their frauds upon society.

At a broad level, a large part of the deterioration is drift away from rationality and toward the opposite. The big challenge is explaining what that opposite consists of.

Pointing toward it is easier than explaining it. Point to social media. That's a large part of what happened. Social media was designed by power mongers to divert the unwary away from rationality—more specifically, away from the internet—and toward subjective irrelevancies which distract from rational concerns about real problems.

Distraction is the primary significance of social media. Distraction is highly amorphous. Anything other than relevance will do.

But aren't some persons on social media dead serious about some things? It's misdirected concerns—directed, through hook and crook, to subjectivity and animosities devoid of objective realities and the rationality needed to find real solutions to problems. It takes study, not fighting, to solve problems.

In other words, the whole concept of demands for increasing objective reality through understanding created by rationality disappeared. Instead, a wide-open atmosphere for anything-goes is the new normal.

Since anything goes, there is more of an inclination to depend upon corruption as the solution to social problems. Solving problems through corruption is infinitely easier than solving problems through rationality. In fact, that is a large part of what corruption is: solving problems without the rationality that imposes objective reality and its requirements upon persons. It's the same as the difference between constructing a building and destroying a building, which is the same as the difference between government and terrorism.

But even the persons who see a problem that needs to be solved tend to sink to a lower level than the demands of rationality. The new normal is to bypass the process that produces truth and find an underhanded method of doing things.

An example is an increasing tendency to get rid of the homeless rather than getting them back into the social order. Of course, there is no such thing as getting rid of the homeless without getting them back into the social order. Defying that obvious fact is part of the social deterioration. It includes more mindlessness.

(Homelessness was and is artificially created by power mongers to make visible a bottom social state to point to in intimidating everyone into subservience—kissing the ass of power mongers for survival).

One of the visible elements of deterioration is the assumption of simplistic solutions stripped of the complex realities involved. Keeping out foreigners is the most obvious example. The conservative agenda was behind the destruction of small countries, which now qualifies billions of refugees as asylum seekers, while Biden is supposedly the cause of the problem.

One of the elements of unrealistic solutions is skipping over the cause-and-effect relationships. No problems can be solved while ignoring the causes.

It's now a social order without the demands and constraints which rationality creates. One of the major examples is the promotion of fake science and technology as greenhouse gases, renewable energy, electric vehicles and self-driving. Attributing every identifiable problem to carbon dioxide in the air is now normalcy.

The March To Fascism

Where Fake Science Came From

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is

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