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How Dictatorial Whim Works


October 2, 2020

Trump shows us how dictatorial whim works. He replaces all laws and rules of a democratic government with his whims while having no other purpose than demanding worship of himself.

The routine of dictators comes out of minds which have no reality in them. A reaction develops in response to stimuli. An undesirable influence must be realigned upon the values of the dictator. You can guess what the values of mindless dictators consist of: bigotry, nihilism, domination, exploitation, etc.

There is no evaluation of realities such as the purposes of government or the solutions to problems. Promoting values does not solve problems. Problems are defined and solved by surrounding realities. When the surrounding realties do not exist in the minds of dictators, no problems get solved.

Since a dictator does nothing other than that, he spends his time combing the news for items which are not acceptable to him. He then demands that the concerns be re-aligned upon his values.

His base assumes that re-aligning the universe upon the values of the dictator is the solution to their problems. They elected Trump to promote their values, not to solve objectively defined problems which they cannot understand and would benefit their enemies.

Re-alignment of values includes destroying enemies. The conflict with enemies is a values conflict. Liberals do not have the right values for conservatives, because the focus of liberals is social justice, which means correcting the injustices that conservatives created.

In other words, the existence of corrupters is an attempt to redesign the universe around their values. Government is just one of the obstacles. Truth is the primary obstacle, since truth is the only force corrupters cannot defeat. Opponents are secondary obstacles, since truth is used by them to oppose corrupters.

Corrupters assume that the only reason why they cannot solve their problems by redesigning the universe around their values is because enemies get in the way. If they could defeat enemies, supposedly the universe could be redesigned to turn bigotry, elitism, domination and exploitation into virtues and end their problems.

As corrupters succeed in achieving their objectives (when full-blown fascism exists) they acquire more problems instead of fewer. Their success creates their problems instead of solves them. That result is always visible to rational persons, but it is beyond comprehension to corrupters. How could success not solve their problems?

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

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