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Fake Christianity

March 2, 2022

One of the frauds of incompetent corrupters is the scam conservatives call Christianity. They are using it to promote Trump's Nazism pretending to represent God's work.

But long before Trump, conservatives designed a fake version of Christianity for ripping off the world and claiming to be doing God's work. The pattern is to pick a small section of personalized morality as the representation of Christianity and God's work, while making a mockery of the entire subject.

Personalized morality is no one's business but the individual's. Socialized morality is everyone's business. Personalized morality is represented by the Ten Commandments; socialized morality is represented by Christ's teaching on social justice.

Yet fake Christians attack "social justice warriors" while instituting personal morality in government. They promote every perversion of power mongers destroying vulnerable persons, because they start with that motive and try to use Christianity as a source of power for the purpose.

Fake Christianity is always headquartered in the South, because that is where the bigotry is most concentrated. Bigotry was forced underground in the South, but it never diminished an iota with the improvements in laws which attempt to protect the victims.

An example is that Louisiana will not allow anyone to acquire a drivers license without owning an automobile. So the lower classes have to use some other form of ID, and they can never drive until they own an automobile. They have to buy their first automobile without a drivers license.

The only reason the south is called the Bible belt is because the blacks turned to Christianity due to their oppression. Their oppressors were never going to allow their victims to claim a higher moral state; so they pretended to be more Christian than the blacks they were oppressing. But to be more Christian while oppressing vulnerable persons, they had to limit their version of Christianity to personal morality and ignore the social justice that Christ taught.

That's why there are wood-frame churches in the south with a sign in front saying "full Gospel." It means blacks promote Christ's teaching along with the rest of the Bible, where fake Christians do not.

What you see for white, conservative churches in the south are nothing resembling churches; they are the equivalent of auditoriums for entertainment. Entertaining is the only thing conservatives use their churches for in the Bible belt.

Conservatives do have another purpose with their fake Christianity, which is in fact the primary purpose. The entertaining is just a cover for the primary purpose, which is to propagandize society on the virtues of bigotry and the requirement for mongering power directed to that purpose.

Power is everything for corrupters, because their purpose is to dominate, which requires overwhelm of opponents. It takes power to do that. Domination is the alternative to rationality that corrupters resort to in attempting to be winners with no ability to produce rationality.

White racism is a purifying process. The Nazis claimed to be purifying a fake Aryan race.

Corrupters purifying is not really an attempt to purify; it's an attempt to eradicate all differences, because corrupters cannot handle complexities. When adding Christianity to the purifying, the attempt is to produce moral superiority.

Conservatives oppose abortions for that reason. They couldn't care less about abortions, as they are misogynists and bigots fighting a war against the lower classes. They oppose abortions to contrive fake moral superiority to justify their degeneracy.

Both racists and fake Christians pretend that human existence is supposed to be a purifying process, because purifying is the ultimate form of fixing. Fixing is the cover for all corruption. Supposedly, degenerates are supposed to be taking over other peoples' lives to be fixing something. The justification for fixing everything is to purify.

Solving problems is not a purifying process but a rationality process. Rationality is alignment upon objective reality as the laws of the universe which define life. Corrupters, including fake Christians, assume rationality is the ruination of man, because it produces the truth that exposes corrupters for the corrupters that they are.

The March To Fascism

Where Fake Science Came From

Draining The Economy Dry

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is

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