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Frauds On The Afghanistan Withdrawal


February 11, 2022

Over time, frauds keep increasing, such as the claim that Biden got the Afghanistan withdrawal wrong. It was the military that got the Afghanistan withdrawal wrong. The military does not allow civilians to tell them what to do; and now they are also claiming the politicians got the Afghanistan withdrawal wrong.

The military should have had 20,000 troops in Kabul during the withdrawal regardless of what the Taliban was doing. Instead, they say the politicians misjudged the Taliban. It wasn't the duty of the politicians to judge the Taliban. The military and CIA were over there for twenty years evaluating the Taliban. To then blame the politicians shows the contempt the military has for civilian rule, particularly by liberals.

The Biden Administration went through systematic procedures for the withdrawal giving everyone plenty of time to decide what to do. So the military pulled out of Afghanistan and left 600 troops for the withdrawal. Biden had to send 5,000 troops back in to protect the withdrawal.

Also, Bagram airbase should have been left functional until the civilians were out. Most of the persons who were to be removed from Afghanistan could have left from the Bagram airbase which was totally protected. Instead, the military totally abandoned the airbase before the withdrawal.

In other words, the military result was so ridiculous that it looks as much like sabotage as incompetence.

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