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Fake Vs. Real


August 21, 2020

The shape-shifting feature of corruption that is now overwhelming society is fakery replacing reality. Fakery is a tool of corrupters. They claim to be producing results that are not occurring and having purposes that they don't have.

Fakes are claiming to be solving problems and producing the best economy ever, while total social ruin is occurring. There is nothing left of constitutional government. There is nothing left of a constructive economy. There is nothing left of functional social structures. Fakes say otherwise.*

The pretense of fakes is that their words are as good as someone else's. They use power to back up their claims. With Trump in power, fakes rule. So they are using that power to proclaim their destructiveness to be the answer to everything.

There are tests which are functional proof of the fraud. The entire subject of honest representation is dependent upon a standard of explaining claims. Constructivity requires it. Words have no meaning without explanations. Yet fakes explain nothing, because their claims will not stand up to evaluation where there is evidence.

Corrupters don't know that. They think they are getting by with something. As long as they have power, they are getting by with something. They are imposing their destructiveness onto society under the pretense of it being the solution to problems.

This fakery was the image of Nazism and Hitler. Hitler was supposedly the answer to everything. How much of an explanation was he producing? Did the so-called Arian race have an explanation? There never was such a thing? Did getting rid of the worthless eaters improve the economy? The economy was in ruins.

The image projected by the Nazis making claims with no relationship to reality and no explanations is the type of image becoming visible in society—absurd claims of ultra solutions with no explanations. Why no explanations? All constructivity requires explanations.

The absence of explanations for absurdities being fact is the proof. All claims require explanations, and there is no way to move anything forward without explanations. No honest persons would leave out the explanations. They could never succeed at anything without explanations.

Yet fake claims with no explanations are railroading over the social structures creating the same appearance that Hitler made with his preposterous claims in Nazis Germany.

Corruption can only be promoted as a railroad job. Fake claims without explanations are the image of corrupters doing a railroad job on society.

Corrupters believe in their falsehoods and corruptions, even though they know they can't explain them. They monger power by disconnecting from reality and synthesizing fake reality which makes them feel good but has no functional relationship to objective reality. Explanations are not possible for that la la world.

Explaining fakery with more fakery isn't what an explanation is. First, there has to be something that can be identified as normally-recognizable, objective reality in an explanation. Secondly, real explanations can be linking infinitely to all of objective reality, where fakery as an explanation must be cut awful short to prevent it from conflicting with all other realities.

When trying to argue with fakes, they cut off the discussion awful fast, because all surrounding realities prove them wrong. One-way communication allows fraud to be extended somewhat.

Economy Example

The fakes are still pretending that Trump improved the economy. There is no mechanism in anything Trump did that would improve the economy. Corporations burning tax dollars has no mechanism with it for improving the economy. Stock buy-backs were the result. They used to be illegal before banking laws were thrown out, because they enrich management insiders at everyone else's expense.

Tariffs on steel and aluminum didn't improve the economy, because they made manufacturing more expensive in the U.S. resulting in U.S. products being less competitive. Trump assumed that U.S. industries would start smelting steel and aluminum again. There was no possibility of that happening, and it didn't happen.

Making threats against china (economic and otherwise) didn't improve the economy, as China sought other sources for imports.

Ripping off food stamps didn't improve the economy, as the recipients had no ability to make changes in their lives and had less money to spend afterwards.

Tax cuts for the rich are said to have improved the economy, as if the rich were going to go out and buy a new toaster. Did they buy another yacht? They invested in a fraudulent stock market. Why not give the money to the needy, if that were the purpose? The needy buy something with every dollar.

Why aren't the fakes explaining this? Those who do the explaining are the ones producing the truth. Only the truth survives the explaining process; corruption doesn't.

*(Such claims in examples here do not need explanations, because they are side-point examples showing the meaning of the philosophy, not something being acted upon; and the issues have been argued in the media producing explanations. Many pages on my web site explain these claims.

Side points become endless and have their own side points. The responsibility for explanations is to get something started to work with, so people can do some evaluating and criticizing.

The purpose of fake claims is to end all discussion and allow corrupters to do the deciding without objective reality getting in the way.)

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is



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