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Fascism As Terrorism


August 12, 2022

Fascism and terrorism are inseparable parts of the same process. The "big lie" that the 2020 election was stolen from Trump is the terrorism element of fascism. It's purpose is to intimidate through criminality.

The purpose of terrorism is to intimidate. The big lie is used successfully to intimidate, as shown by a large number of Republicans who vehemently criticized Trump and then changed directions and promoted him. Intimidation is the reason for the change in directions.

The link between fascism and terrorism is visible in the origins of corruption include the lawlessness of fascism and the overwhelm of terrorism. All corruption starts with the assumption that if a person could prevail against others it would solve his problems. To prevail against other persons is to dominate. To dominate is to knock down other persons to be superior. It's an affront to the victims which defies human concepts of right and wrong. Defiance of right and wrong, particular in regard to persons, is only a degree of difference from both fascism and terrorism.

Under normal or usual conditions, corrupters are forced into the background of concealing and denying their purposes. When they take over social structures and convert them into power structures, they use the power to overwhelm persons and the social order more openly and defiantly.

Corrupters have been taking over the social structures for several decades but always rationalizing and denying their purposes, that is, until a critical mass of corruption was achieved which allowed them to openly express their purposes. The critical mass broke through the barriers of normalcy and law when Trump got elected. Now the corrupters conceal or deny nothing in their attempts to overwhelm persons and laws to acquire power.

The overwhelm includes harm to persons as shown by street gangsterism and the insurrection. Trump not only allowed and supported the mayhem but demanded it as domination in attempting to put the military on the streets as a supposed fix for peaceful demonstrations and in attempting to use the insurrection to overthrow the election.

The Nazi Conflict

The Nazi conflict is getting more sharply focussed day by day (August 24, 2022). That's because the basis of the Nazi conflict is to disconnect from the usual standard of trying to be credible and shifting to a terrorist standard.

Terrorism is the essence of the Nazi standard, as the purpose shifts to overwhelm of rational persons. Doing that is only possible when corrupters have acquired a large amount of social power and use it to promote the Nazi/terrorism standard in place of the acceptability standard.

Once that process begins, as defiance of acceptability, it's all or nothing for the Nazi/terrorists, because reactions develop against them from normal persons. So the Nazi/terrorists get more extreme and bold in trying to prevail.

On top of that problem for the Nazi/terrorists, by the time they acquire social power, they are already destroying the exploits that they conquered. It's an invariable consequences for them, because success puts them in control of complexities which they have no ability to control.

Those reasons are why the social order is crumbling with inflation out of control at the same time the Nazi/terrorists are imposing obnoxiousness onto society and prevailing on many fronts. There wasn't a solution to that problem in Nazi Germany; and there is no indication of the problem being solvable at this time.

Article on intimidation of Arizona congressman

The March To Fascism

Why Corruption

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is

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