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Fake Authority

May 30, 2022

All corruption begins with the assumption that if a person could prevail against others it would solve his problems. Prevailing requires domination. Domination requires the power to overwhelm through force. Force is any conflict with reality. Maximizing corruption to dominate takes the form of fake authority.

Conservatives use fake authority as an absolute for justifying their corruption. Absolute means the source of all truth, knowledge and virtue.

Only a black hole will meet those requirements. Black hole means no explanation for claims or impositions, because any reality will expose the frauds for what they are. A black hole evades accountability—that is, accountability for the realities involved, which means there needs to be accountability for the standard, not just the realities.

It's the standards that define corruption and the validity of methods. The end does not justify the means. Corruption is using unjustifiable means to produce a supposedly unquestionable result.

What it shows is that unquestionability is a force, not a set of realities. Forces cannot be argued; they are imposed rather than explained. Fake authority is imposed with no arguing allowed.

The fake authority of a black hole is transposed onto valid social structures. Conservatives pretend to be promoting and representing the only true and correct science, government, religion, truth, knowledge and justice. They need a substitute form of those qualities to produce the fakery, because the real qualities are nothing corrupters can adhere to.

The whole process of conservatives taking over and misrepresenting all that is right requires an absence of realities which would condemn them, which means a black hole that replaces everything real. The black hole must be authoritative to prevent any realities from exposing the frauds for what they are.

While conservatives argue who is the most right and justified, there is no validity in such arguments. Rightness and justifiability are in methods, not values and overwhelm. The only valid method of doing things is through rationality, a process which corrupters are fighting a war against, because it exposes them for the incompetent corrupters that they are.

Rationality means explaining the causes of problems and solutions. Instead of explaining, conservatives harp on values pretending that they are the answer to everything, while they do nothing constructive.

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Power Shapes Conspiracies

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How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is

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