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Getting Back Pain Wrong

April 27, 2022

Back pain commonly occurs when the spine seems to pinch or scrape nerves. Any wrong type of motion starts the problem and makes it worse. Standing is the least problematic position, and sitting down might be impossible.

So what do people do if they have to go to work? They take prescription opioids for the pain. Erasing pain is not a good idea, because there is information in pain. Pain says something is wrong. The cause needs to be corrected.

When such back pain occurred for me, eight years ago, it kept getting worse until I could not sit down. I had to stand to use the computer.

Eventually, I decided to try more vitamin D and a different brand. I thought I was taking vitamin D; but a shortage of vitamin D was the problem.

Part of the problem is that with age more vitamins are needed. But also part of the problem is that there was very little actual vitamin D in the brand that I was taking.

So I tried various brands to determine reliability and used the highest concentration, which is 5,000 units. I now need 5,000 units twice a day using a reliable brand. Youngsters can usually get by with lower amounts of vitamins than the elderly can. With that much vitamin D, I have not had a back pain problem since.

Probably a large percent of the opioid epidemic would not have occurred if people knew that taking enough of a reliable brand of vitamin D would have ended their back pain.

To find a reliable brand, testing and comparing results is necessary. Relying on name recognition is not enough.

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