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The Gullibility Problem

The entire social order is breaking down because of gullibility. Corruptions would not carry through society without gullibility.

One hates to mention such basic moral characteristics as gullibility, being highly personal, but the deteriorating state of society does not have a complete explanation without it. Corruptions would die on the vine without gullibility as a prerequisite for spreading throughout society.

In the most generalized sense, gullibility is what causes people to attack conspiracy theorists. Conspiracy is integrated into every element of corruption. To pretend that there is no such thing as real conspiracy is extreme disconnect from the causes of problems. Even though there are motives for denying the causes of corruption, it takes gullibility to assume there is credibility in denying conspiracies.

Examples are needed to clarify abstract concepts. Science is a good starting point, since it is provable. A stark example of gullibility in science is a new method of evaluating the generation of chemical energy as ATP. For many decades, the synthesis of ATP was taught as a high energy electron flowing through cytochromes (three for animals) and energizing three ATP molecules—one at each cytochrome.

But with the new science (along with the new everything including the "new normal"), the high energy electrons disappear in relevance, the cytochromes serve some other purpose, and the energy is in a proton pump which spins proteins at the end point. That's missing too much chemistry, physics and biology. Spinning proteins cannot transform kinetic energy into chemical energy.

Yellowstone is another example. The public is on edge waiting for Yellowstone to blow up and disintegrate planet Earth. Doesn't there have to be lava (or flood basalt) with a super volcano? There is no lava within hundreds of miles of Yellowstone.

Only such gullibility makes carbon dioxide a greenhouse gas and renewable energy a solution. To think that each CO2 molecule can be surrounded by 2,500 air molecules and heat the atmosphere takes extreme gullibility. If it were bricks, everyone knows one brick in 2,500 is not going to heat anything.

So-called renewable energy cannot be produced in most places, because it is too dilute requiring more metal and high technology to capture it than it is worth. Texas harvested the best wind in the country, and when a heat wave hit a few months ago, Texans were told to turn off their air conditioners, because the electrical grid could not handle the load. Other places, wind energy is nothing but a show piece for propaganda.

Electric vehicles don't look right, when you can see a vehicle behind the paint. They weight twice as much as an auto should weigh. The trend has been toward lighter autos for decades. Reverting to heavy autos is not an improvement, particularly when the extra tons of weight are in rare metals and high technology. Pushing that extra weight around means more wasted energy and a lot more rubber skidding on the road and degraded handling characteristics.

But gullible persons assume electrical energy is more efficient and effective, as if electric autos were equivalent to converting gas powered shavers into electric shavers. Electricity is very inefficient due to large amounts of loss in lines, handling and applications.



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