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The Misrepresentation Of Gambling


The stock market used to be an investment. It isn't anymore. It's a gambling casino. It disconnected from the economy due to the extreme amount of wealth that needed a function.

To use the stock market as an indication of the economy is to say the upper 1% define the economy. The absurdity of the stock market shows a red hot 1% riding on an impoverished 99%.

(The way the stock market gambling casino works is "robin hood" traders bet against each other trying to buy before the others when going up and sell before the others when going down. In fact, computers were designed to do that in micro seconds, which puts the human minds at a disadvantage in the gambling process. But humans try to beat the computers by guessing how news items will influence the result, which computers cannot do. It causes the stock market to respond to news quirks and leave economists wondering what's going on.)

Crypto currencies are portrayed as a form of exchange. They aren't. They are a gambling casinos.

There is no product that goes with crypto currencies. Every dollar that is extracted or spent is someone's loss. It's no different than all other gambling, where the participants pay for everything including the building, the employees and the take-aways. Same thing with crypto currencies.

On top of that, a huge amount of energy is destroyed to create a stupid mechanism for distribution of some crypto currencies. The cost of that burned energy is money lost by someone who invested in the crypto currencies.

No one sees the losses with gambling, but the winners are show pieces for egging on more fools. If the losers could speak, the scams would probably end.

Yet the gambling mechanisms are fantasized on and on in various media, as if they were contributing to something. What value does gambling serve?

Moralists have often made gambling illegal in the past, because there are net social losses including the promotion of vice and ruination of individuals and families. Now days gambling is promoted as if it were a social necessity, while governments get involved as a source of revenue.

Why the promotion of the gambling? The underworld of corrupters promote corruption as an ethic. They have no trouble recognizing gambling as a corruption which furthers there purpose. They paint corruptions into a fantasy frame in their attempts to pretend that corruption isn't corruption but a superior method of doing things.

That purpose and image is the social face of gambling now days. Not just saying gambling is a wonderful thing, but saying gambling is something other than gambling, such as a stock market, form of currency or form of government revenue—necessities integrated into the economy. It's a measure of the normalization of corruption, or maybe even an indication of "the banality of evil."

There are several forces at work promoting the fantasy of gambling. One of those forces is an indescribable amount of wealth at the top of society that needs to be redistributed along lines which are acceptable to corrupters. Gambling is a redistribution system. Often, wealthy persons want to dump their money before dying in such a manner that it maintains the values and purposes of corruption without falling into the hands of opponents with other values. Gambling meets those requirements.

Another motive is the need by corrupters to win at something which does not require constructive methods. Gambling thrives on connivance, which meets those requirements.

Of course, there is the party atmosphere that goes with gambling. Even the stock market seems to be developing a party atmosphere. The journalists even seem to be half boozed in portraying the stock market as something positive related to the economy, when all it is is an indication of thievery and vice.

And of course, Trump said he is using the stock market as an indication of his success with the economy. He can't lose with that one, as the stock market can't go any direction but up (average) regardless of the economy. The ever-increasing flow of money upward must largely cycle and recycle through the stock market, since other parking spots are limited by development schemes.

Economist wannabes pretend to be evaluating and predicting stock market trends in terms of the economy with not the slightest bit of success, as they are relentlessly finding it impossible to guess right, because the economic principles have been replace by gambling whims.

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is

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