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A Generation Robbed


October 30, 2021

Youngsters are always considered to be a new generation. It's usually difficult to determine what they represent besides youthful enthusiasm. Of course, the anti-Vietnam War protesters had a clear mission, but that cause spread across more than the younger generation and was an external problem.

But not this time. It is becoming quite clear what the new generation represents. They represent being robbed of reality through social media and related influences.

Conspiracies come at people from all directions. That's possible because conspiracies are how corruption is promoted. The Bible uses the terms conspiracy and sin as synonyms, because there is no sin that is not part of a conspiracy and no conspiracy that is not sin. Even the personalized morality is dependent upon environmental conditions.

In other words, corruption is highly rudimentary. There is no danger of getting it wrong. Any old method of destroying something generally gets there. The simplicity results in a vast aggregation of forces accumulating around the causes of conspirators.

A major cause that has developed around the internet is the attempt to block the spread of information. It is best described as the attempt to get those crazies off the internet. The so called social media has that purpose. Combined with it is a sanitizing of the internet.

The process started in a crude form with the first search engines, primarily Infoseek and Excite. They were trying everything they could image to get the crazies off the internet. Web sites would go down from their search engines for several days or weeks and then be put back up, as the experimenters struggled with a methodology. Complains had one response: "We are a private business and we have a right to do as we please."

As they proceed to expand their universe, a couple of idiots put up a white page with three items on it. At the top was the word Google. Under it was a box for typing in a search term. Under it was the slogan, "Do No Evil." It wiped out Excite and Infoseek in a matter of hours.

It means the needed alternative was extremely obvious. People needed a method of exchanging and acquiring information.

There is no such thing anymore. The internet has been sanitized down to a narrowly defined purpose of extracting money and replaced with social media. To make sure nothing other than that occurs, searching is only allowed down to about twenty pages, and the top twenty pages are limited to authoritative web sites, sales of products and a clutter of kiddie questions.

Social media is part of the same conspiracy. It's closely related to what used to be called video gambling. It was so addictive that it would destroy a large percent of the persons who got involved. The addictiveness was designed into social media as a method of locking the junkies out of the objective realities of existence.

The result shows up in the manner in which the new generation relates to the carbon dioxide cause. They firmly believe that they are being destroyed by carbon dioxide. If they would have experienced a little bit of normalcy, they might have been able to see through some of the fraud. Instead, they give no one the option of being realistic on the subject.

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