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Headache Causes

May 22, 2022

A large percent of society has headaches often, yet very little is known for causes. It seems obvious that a lot of the problem is nutritional. Shortage of B vitamins would be a cause, particularly folic acid.

Folate and pantothenate are vitamins that are destroyed by heating. That means some raw food is needed to get those vitamins. But a lot of persons often eat cooked food without raw food. They don't know they are missing two vitamins that way.

A lot of persons are totally oblivious to the importance of vitamins and minerals. And they often eat nothing but cooked or process foods. How could such nutrition not result in headaches? All sorts of physiological problems result from a shortage of vitamins or minerals, while head pain is more noticeable than other problems.

It is always important not to take excessive amounts of vitamins and minerals, because almost all of them are toxic until they get to their final destinations. People have killed themselves taking excess amounts of B vitamins.

Sometimes the reason for taking large amounts is because the substances might not be absorbed well. Usually, the absorption problem should not occur, unless the pills are too hard to dissolve. It appears that pill-makers are trying to slow absorption for slow release. That's not a good idea, because some vitamins must be absorbed in the stomach before getting to intestines. Therefore, the absorption problem can be reduced by chewing hard pills for faster absorption.

Silica is added to most vitamin pills presumable to slow the rate of absorption. Some persons have been saying silica is a nutrient. Such claims never have real science with them. Silicon is what mineralized cations to form rocks. Mineralization is a process of forming chemical bonds such as the covalent bonds that hold carbon atoms together as complex molecules. Once mineralization occurs, the components do not separate easily.

That means silica is too dangerous to be included in pills or food. It could be mineralizing cations including calcium, which may be one of the reasons why calcium doesn't dissolve well once it mineralizes.

Then there is fake science applied to such items as chromium. To supposedly show a need for chromium, a fake test was set up for measuring the effects of insulin while adding chromium and pretending that chromium did what the insulin did. Then chromium was called a "glucose tolerance factor," which is what insulin is. Why would chromium be needed to do what insulin does? Over time more rationalizations and junk test are added to fake science to bolster claims. There is no excuse for not doing proper scientific test on such subjects instead of basing health on junk science.

Then on top of that fraud, chromium was chelated with picolinate. Picolinate looks too much like a precursor for DNA base synthesis, which means it could hypothetically substitute in DNA base synthesis creating mutations. Almost any small, organic acid can be used for chelating minerals; so there was no excuse in using picolinate with chromium.

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