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Journalists Promoting Causes


October 21, 2021

Journalism is rapidly transforming from gathering information to promoting causes. Very little information is needed to promote causes. In fact, information gets in the way of promoting causes. So journalists cherry pick a few tidbits of information to align their causes upon.

The peculiar thing about promoting causes is that the persons who do that assume it is a higher calling—a step upward rather than downward. They assume they are meeting a social responsibility.

The sad thing about that is, they are always wrong. Only errors need to be promoted; truth speaks for itself when enough information is available.

The promoters of causes cannot allow truth to speak for itself. They always lose when that happens. Yet they heroically assume they must defeat the opposing forces for the good of man.

And it works. More and more so, as the social order deteriorates into fascism. The overwhelmingly successful example is global warming (always called climate change, while there is no such thing). Not a pin can be wedged into the subject in opposition to the cause with journalists being the guardians of the cause.

Journalists control the social realities; and they are depended upon by the promoters of corruption to purify the necessary realities. It isn't that journalists searched around and picked their agenda; it's that incompetents were conditioned and installed for the purpose.

Conspirators hijacking the social order preceded the shaping of social realities by journalists. An identifiable origin for the recent, technologically based fascism could be located with the misdefinition of energy being proposed by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz in 1686. There has not been an iota of correct physics produced since then beyond Newton's laws which were produced in 1687.

The exploitability of corruption grew out of physics. So it is not surprising that the success of recent fascism is dependent upon the global warming issue that physicists created.

The underlying potential for fascism always exists in human societies, as fascism is simply the institutionalization of corruption. That potential is greatly suppressed where social structures create an ordered existence through rationality—always a limited process. But about once every eighty years now days, the potential is unleashed as unchecked corruption creating fascism.

It wasn't the global warming issue that unleashed that potential; it was the agenda of conservatives in dismantling government and its laws starting in 1981 that generated the fascism slowly but methodically over the past forty years.

It was the global warming issue that prevented the rational world from creating an opposing force to the fascism. The global warming issue subverted the desperately needed rationality, just when the corruption level became critical in subverting the social order.

It was the journalists who imposed global warming fraud onto society. It shows that politicians do not control social realities; journalists do. Politicians cannot get out from under the expensive and technology and energy destroying fraud of global warming and produce real solutions to society's problems.

It's the absence of real solutions to real problems that fascism feeds on. When all else fails, corrupters assume that corruption is the only alternative for solving their problems.

There is an infantile mind-frame in the way journalists promote causes. They start with the childish assumption that they are speaking for scientists and combine that assumption with the assumption that anything they say to promote the cause must be scientific fact. It never is.

Not the least problem is that promoters of causes assume embellishment is their duty. Science doesn't embellish. Then each journalist builds upon the preceding embellishments while assuming it is the science of the subject.

That's why every weather effect and numerous other problems, imagined and otherwise, are attributed to "climate change" by journalists. No scientists say so. But corrupters of science imply and encourage the journalists to say so, which washes their own hands clean while promoting the cause—the cause of mongering power for incompetent scientists, which is converted to the cause of saving mankind for incompetent journalists.

Firing Scientists

The March To Fascism

Draining The Economy Dry

Incompetents Created Homelessness

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is

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