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Sociology Of Corruption  66

Journalists Are The Tools Of Fascists

September 10, 2022

The general public got science and technology wrong, only after the prevailing journalists nihilistically imposed the fraud onto the public and allowed no criticism of the subjects. No one could correct the errors, because the journalists had absolute control over the realities the public was exposed to.

Certainly, there was endless criticism around the periphery of mainstream journalism; but the periphery was irrelevant to the steamrolling forces that prevailed. The periphery is where the knowledge is acquired; but knowledge is irrelevant to the frauds that create fascism.

Science and technology are definitive subjects; yet the absoluteness was irrelevant to the railroad job, because frauds use nihilism to steamroll over knowledge. Nihilism means knowledge is obliterated as a corruption rather than a necessity.

The example of nihilism with fake greenhouse gases was the insistence that "the science is settled;" and therefore arguing the science was trouble-making and disruptive. The example of nihilism with fake technology was the insistence that so-called renewables were "on par with coal;" and therefore, opposition to renewables was a detriment to solving energy problems.

Now nihilism is imposing fascism onto society. The nihilism takes the form of normalizing destructivity in all of its forms while equating the destructivity with normalcy, if not favoring the destructivity over criticism of it.

The fraud realities do not originate with the journalists. False realities are presented to the public by the journalists; but behind the journalism are organizations and fake experts who derive the propaganda. The forces behind the scenes determine how the propaganda must be shaped and reshaped to prevail over correct reality.

It is power that determines the result. Fraud flows with power. The power of fraud must be developed, before the fraud can flow through the social structures including journalism. As journalists respond to the power of fraud, they become tools in the hands of power mongers who need fraud to prevail over rationality.

The prevailing journalism (mainstream journalism) is kept aligned upon power primarily by controlling the flow of money. Power mongers pay for fraud, not knowledge, as power requires fraud reality to insulate it from the power of truth, which is the only force corrupters cannot defy.

Journalism is being artificially stripped of resources as a method of keeping journalists groveling to please power mongering frauds. There was no logical reason for stripping advertising revenue out of journalism besides the need to control. By stripping down journalism, the power of truth could be excised out of journalism and replaced by the nonsense of sycophants willing to please the power mongers.

Fraud Is Needed To Monger Power

How Scientists Are Fired And Intimidated

The March To Fascism

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is      TOP     



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