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Lack Of Credibility

June 15, 2021

The pathological lying of Trump and sycophants is not credible. Rational persons wonder why. How can degenerates expect to get anywhere without being credible?

Having no concern about credibility shows a different purpose than rational persons have. In fact, corrupters have to find a different purpose for reality, since objective reality exposes them for what they are.

There is a path to non-credibility that explains its function. A lie is a formula for success. A lie allows a group of corrupters to align upon the same purpose. A lie has an alignment purpose, not a reality purpose.

Non-credibility gives corrupters a path to follow. Reality doesn't have to be credible to create a path; it just has to be the same for all corrupters. Lying produces that result—it gives corrupters a path which is the same for all of them.

One of the simplest examples was the demand that Vice President Pence defy the election result and declare Trump to be president. A lot of Trump's followers hated Pence for not doing that. No one assumed Pence had the authority to change the result during the counting process; but they didn't care. They wanted him to do so anyway. For Pence to lie about the vote and declare Trump the winner would be using a lie as a re-alignment tool in conflict with all surrounding realities.

For those persons who assumed Trump won the election, Pence defying the vote count would have been a correction; but having Pence do that in defiance of the procedures produced by fifty states and upheld by many court hearings would have been a defiance of procedures. To assume procedures are irrelevant and whim is superior is a subjective disconnect from reality. A whim that fixes is not a credible relationship to reality. A whim that is superior to procedures and evidence serves the same purpose as a lie. When a lie and whim do the same things, it doesn't matter whether the whim is true. There was no distinguishable difference between the persons who believed the big lie (that Trump won the election) and those who knew it was a lie and promoted it for ulterior motives. It takes surrounding realities to make a difference.

Defying the rules was irrelevant in declaring Trump to be the winner. The only relevant factor was creating a path through the lawlessness and lying. To declare a loser to be a winner is a path not a reality. As a path, it leads to the next step, which would have been putting Trump in power for another term.

Creating a path out of lawlessness and lying is contempt for laws and truth. Corrupters are defeated by laws and truth; so they try to abandon government and replace it with control of society through lying.

That process works for corrupters as a totalitarian dictatorship. That's why Trump and followers were so defiant. They knew that the path had been followed hundreds of times before with success as totalitarian dictatorships. Their only error was in assuming they had the necessary control and power in the U.S. at the time. They didn't quite get there, but they are scheming, legislating and lying to make sure they get there the next time an election is held.

Why Not Totalitarian Fascism

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is TOP



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