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Loyalty Vs Qualifications

June 4, 2021

Trump's staff was picked for loyalty with contempt for qualifications—often finding the most unqualified persons possible. In fact, there is a correlation between loyalty and lack of qualifications, as incompetent persons tend to resort to loyalty as their selling point.

That result shows that the purpose was to generate a force rather than to deal with social problems. A disconnect from social problems means people would have more problems afterwards. With modern social problems integrated into complex technology, the solutions to problems require a lot of study and competence to solve. Flushing that concern down the drain meant a flat-Earth was the desired result.

Corrupters require a flat-Earth result, because they cannot handle complexities and find that the rationality required for handling complexities exposes their incompetence and corruptness. They want bare ground around themselves with no sight of complexities.

At the same time, corrupters want rip-off exploitation. What is there to exploit on a flat-Earth surface? That question is connecting the elements together. Corrupters do not make connections. Making connections is an element of rationality, the tools of the enemy which must be stomped out of existence—enemies and tools with them.

What that strange effect amounts to is like wearing glasses that show nothing but bare ground for everything within eyesight while requiring exploitable complexities outside the field of view. There is a difference between within the field of view and what lies outside the field of view to corrupters.

The meaning of that standard is not evaluated by corrupters, as they evaluate nothing. Their result is a set of reactions without evaluation. They imagine results rather than produce results. In their imagination, the required loyalty is assumed to be the source of results. Results are supposedly squeezed out of persons rather than designed with rationality.

That's how Trump could assume he created the greatest economy ever, while he did nothing but screw up everything he touched. Tariffs screw up a globalized economy, while Trump wanted to be called "the tariff man." The whole purpose of trade agreements over the past twenty years was to remove trade barriers that were getting in the way of a globalized economy, which meant fewer tariffs, not more.

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