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The Make-Believe World Of Corrupters

May 22, 2021

Corrupters put themselves in conflict with the universe. They escape the consequences by retreating into a make-believe world, while pretending that their make-believe world is the real world and is superior to the rest of the universe.

But they don't just stay there. And that's the rub. The rest of the universe must disappear to keep it from interfering with the works of the make-believe world. Since the make-believe world is made of an amorphous, disappearing gel, it takes a lot of doing to make the rest of the universe disappear.

That's a large part of why we don't have a right to live. Whole countries and segments of society are sanctimoniously destroyed to prop up the make-believe world of corrupters—like Nazis creating the Arian race.

The make-believe world is constructed, day by day, out of fakery and fantasy creating a house of cards that is always on the verge of being toppled. The vulnerability makes corrupters real sensitive to opponents trying to topple their house of cards. And of course, the whole purpose of government is to do just that. Government wouldn't exist if there were no such thing as corruption that needed to be dealt with, which is the same thing as the government being designed to topple the house of cards corrupters construct.

So of course corrupters assume government is robbing them of freedom. Freedom to corrupters is prevailing against the rest of the universe.

The wobbly house of cards also makes corrupters extremely sensitive to opposition. Anything they don't design for their purposes is a threat that could topple their house of cards. So they tolerate no opposition, criticism, truth, knowledge or rationality.

One and one cannot be equal to two unless they say so. Coming from an enemy makes it a destructive scheme working against them.

So corrupters end up on the wrong side of a lot of issues and must fight the truth of those issues to the death. That's how they relate to the pandemic. They put themselves on an opposing side of the issue, largely because their champion was the world ruler at the time and could not manage the problem in a responsible way. So the pandemic had to be denied. Refusing to wear a mask was a manifestation of not allowing their enemies to dictate reality to them. They would rather die of disease than have their enemies tell them what to do.

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Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is TOP



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