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June 12, 2021

Magicism fills in some of the blank space left by futurism. The purpose of both is to pretend that the decadence of incompetents running peoples' lives is not the end of the story.

Futurism has the purpose of pretending that the decadence of corrupters will blossom into the fix for everything, as soon as corrupters complete their process. Magicism fills in the blank spaces left by futurism. The fakery is supposed to make decadence more palatable.

An example of futurism is the pretense that the transportation system will be electrified by renewable energy. There isn't enough copper available to be mined for such a purpose. Tens of thousands of times as many transmission lines would be required, because renewable energy is hundreds or thousands of miles from users, where coal and gas generators were located near cities.

An example of magicism is everything about extraterrestrial beings. Laws of physics do not allow anything related to the subject of extraterrestrial beings within the detection range of Earthly humans. Space travel is just as ridiculous.

If unlimited energy potential is assume, no biological material could survive space travel between star systems within a galaxy due to forces of inertia. To accelerate at ten times the force of gravity would take many centuries to go from one star system to the next, while biological material will not tolerate that much force for any significant amount of time.

Frozen biological material would supposedly tolerate more force, but biology doesn't produce such a state for human type creatures. Imagining aliens that would tolerate freezing has no biological logic. There is not a set of conditions that would require a freezable state to evolve for large animals.

So rationalizing type physicists say there might be "worm holes" in space which will allow space travel without the limitations of laws of physics—sort of like "Star Gate." Physicists are supposed to study laws of physics. There is nothing in the laws of physics that says laws of physics do not apply someplace, which means the subject is nothing but made up garbage.

Then there is the combination of all effects. If some magical biology created an ability to freeze, and some magical energy were unlimited, what would such persons be doing spending centuries going through a vast void to get to some primitive planet that does not have such characteristics? The combined effects are absurd.

But that type of thing is promoted as having an element of realism by conspirators. They want people to imagine their capabilities, when everything visible points to their incompetence.

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