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Mindless Force


October 5, 2020

Conservatives cannot interpret anything properly because of their mindlessness. It is their mindlessness that draws them together; so they justify the mindlessness of each other.

Real simple examples show the point, such as their attack upon Fauci. They make simple-minded claims/accusations, such as he got face masks wrong or contradicted himself, or he changed his mind on our good work. Those statements are devoid of realistic meaning.

Fauci didn't get face masks wrong or contradict himself. At the start of the pandemic, the cheap, paper face masks that the public had available would not prevent people from giving the virus to others when they did not yet have it. Later, the virus was spreading in the general public, and then paper masks would reduce the spread.

Adapting to the situation is not contradicting oneself. It's beyond comprehension to conservatives what aligning upon changing realities would be, because they have no relationship to objective reality. They do no more than misalign realities when they have no concept of what objective reality is and no ability to evaluate.

Mindless corrupters must reduce the complexities which they encounter to separate, pin-point items. They cannot connect one reality to another. Pin-point realities have no definable meaning. It takes surrounding reality to create meaning. Without meaning, corrupters tack on their motives, which can never properly represent realities.

Proper means removing values from realities, because realities were not created by alignment upon values. Realities exist in relationship to other realities. Forces, motives and values disconnect realities from the surrounding realities that give them meaning.

For these reasons, there is proper and improper methods of social interaction. The way conservatives go about it is always improper, because they subjectivize reality, while people have a right to expect objective reality in the social domain.

Proper means describing objective realities and nothing other than that. All of the other-than-thats are corruptions, because they cannot properly represent objective reality.

In other words, people are supposed to relate to each other by describing, not attacking. Describing is how people solve their problems by determining in objective reality what problems and solutions are. Attack tells no one anything. It is a degradation process.

Correcting might look like attack to some persons, but it is related to objective realities which allow forward motion to improve problems. Describing objective reality creates constructivity; attacking and degrading for noble purposes does not.

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