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The Assumingness Problem


October 14, 2020

Corrupters assume realities into existence. That means realities come out of nowhere. It's sort of like blowing bubbles.

Assumingness provides instant realities for every purpose. Realities contrived for purposes means never being wrong; and it means opponents never being right.

But how can there be a meaning for right and wrong when realities are designed for purposes? Right becomes everything we do, while wrong becomes everything opponents do.

The only reason why right and wrong matter is because there are real consequences. There are only real consequences that can be defined and evaluated when right and wrong mean a relationship to stable, definable and consistent realities, which only objective reality creates when based upon the laws of the universe.

So the assumptions of right and wrong by corrupters assuming realities into existence has no meaning outside their own heads. They lie to themselves and mess up their own heads assuming things with no relationship to objective reality.

Fakery is assumed to be relevant for that reason. Fakery is assumed into existence with no relationship to objective reality. But fakes don't know it. They have no way of knowing the truth about the fakery which they promote, because assumed reality has no relationship to objective reality.

It takes standards of rationality to replace falsehoods with useable realities. There has to be a relationship to objective reality to create functional realities that can serve constructive purposes.

What it adds up to is that corrupters float around in a bubble disconnected from reality synthesizing meaningless realities for themselves with no relevance to anything real and no ability to function constructively. They don't look right. Why do we have to pretend that they are normal and respectable, when they aren't?

Conservatives would not exist as conservatives if they weren't corrupters with that problem. They show us that they aren't creating a political alternative; they are trying to upend the standards of existence. They call it "the new normal," when there is only one normal. They fight a war of "us against them." They defeat enemies as their only solution to problems. Those aren't governmental processes; they are attempts to change the standards of existence.

There is only one standard that produces constructivity. It's called rationality. If there are not two standards that produce constructivity, there is no place for a corrupt standard to be forced onto people through politics and the resulting government.

So naturally, conservatives pretend that anyone who is not a conservative is a corrupter and they are fixing that problem by exterminating opponents. But corrupters don't look right because of the unreal bubble they exist in. There is no way to get it wrong; but conservatives get it wrong.

There are extremely simple and clear criteria for determining the truth of this subject. Those persons who do the explaining are in contact with objective reality and producing rationality aligned upon constructivity. Those persons who imagine reality into existence with no explanation are the corrupters. Which are the conservatives and which are their opponents? It's impossible to get it wrong without lying about the result.

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