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The Meaning Of QAnon

January 6, 2022

Corrupters are rationalizers. The reason is because their corruptness puts them in conflict with the universe and they need to pretend otherwise. Rationalizing away the realities of the universe makes them real rationalistic.

No one believes the rationalizing away of the objective realities of the universe; but corrupters convince themselves of their rationalizations. It takes a lot of determination to do that much rationalizing. The determination transforms into believing in the cause.

Believing in that cause is what makes conservatives conservatives. It's such a preoccupation that it shapes the conservative cause.

It's also why conservatives promote values instead of realities. Values can be rationalized, since they are totally personal. Realities in conflict with the universe are not so easy to rationalize. So Conservatives base their justification on values. They supposedly have the right values, while opponents have the wrong values.

Claiming to have the right values is totally rationalistic, since values are extremely subjective and personal. No one can say what someone else's values are or should be. In fact, in most cases, it's illegal to do so, as people have a right to be different without prejudicial impositions. It's usually in the fine print of all government processes—the absence of discrimination on the basis of almost everything.

So conservatives pick the right values out of word salad. Since values are beyond analysis, picking the right ones is nothing but a word game. That means conservatives claim to be more moral than anyone else, while they destroy everyone and everything that is not of value to them.

In fact, it takes personalized morality rather than socialized morality to promote self-righteousness, because socialized morality leaves too much evidence, while personalize morality is easy to lie about.

In Christianity, personalized morality is based on the Ten Commandments, and socialized morality is based on Christ's teaching of the need for social justice.

Positivism is how sin is justified and promoted; negativism is how sin is overcome. That's why being cynical used to be a demanding standard. It says phony virtue doesn't wash.

Then conservatives made corruption the purpose of government in 1981, which they called "the new normal." Power mongers now attack cynicism trying to repel criticism of power. It's like the mafia claiming the worst of crimes is locking bank doors.

Power mongers re-write dictionaries constantly trying to turn their corruption into virtue and virtue into corruption. So of course, cynicism is now one of the worst of sins.

And that is where QAnon came from. QAnon is based on the claim that liberals in government are a bunch of pedophiles who need to be thrown out, and only Trump is trying to do that. It's the set of values that conservatives have concocted for a belief system.

The March To Fascism

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is

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