The Sociology
Of Corruption
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Sociology Of Corruption  147

The Motives For Absurd Technology


December 12, 2023

It has become impossible to conceal the preposterousness of fake renewable energy, electric vehicles and self-driving, as the waste, fraud and abuse begin to overwhelm society.

So why so much determination to impose such destructivity onto society? Because it works for incompetent power mongers. It removes rationality from social purposes. Rationality is the dread of incompetent power mongers, because it generates truth and exposes them as the corrupters that they are.

Rational persons who try to solve problems are hit by a wall of obstacles with absurd technology. Real scientists who explain the truth get shoved out or fired, which is how rationality is removed from the social order.

So-called artificial intelligence is the most recent and extreme example of absurd technology. No one can find a constructive use for the new fangled form of artificial intelligence (NFFAI), yet the controllers of the power structures are promoting the cause with all the resources they can muster. That's absurd. So why the absurdity?

(The selling points for the NFFAI shift into old fashioned automation and computer assisted mathematical problems, which benefit from the massively increased data processing, while the public is sold a quasi-averaging process for some trivial data base, which is nothing but another game for wasting peoples' time and distracting the unwary from relevancies.)

The promoters of corruption do not have a good understanding of why the do what they do. Instead, corruption is reactive behavior. Corrupters respond to the forces they encounter by trial-and-error, until they find something that works. Repeating what works creates absurdities.

But the reactiveness is only the door to the subject. Inside the door is the motive for the result. Motives partially enter the awareness of corrupters, but not in a complete enough manner to know how futile and counter-constructive the results are.

Motives connect to all surrounding realities. The context shows the nature of the motives. The context for absurd technology is that it decimates human rationality.

In other words, if corrupters were to promote their cause, they would lose in the rationality medium. But if they can construct some hardware, rationality can be steamrolled over with much greater success.

So the motives of corrupters are translated into hardware to every extent possible, which is usually only possible for the successful power mongers who control the necessary resources.

Results need to be absurd for that scheme to work. The absurdities expressed through hardware bowl over rationality.

An awful lot of absurdities have been bowling over rationality in recent decades. The recent, complex technology opens the door for absurdities. Complexities allow schemes to be concocted in the dark without accountability and then imposed with little counter-force.

Firing Scientists

Artificial Intelligence Frauds

Self-Driving Fraud

Renewable Energy Fraud

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