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Underlying Forces

May 2, 2021

Forces shape the reactions that replace rationality for corrupters. The underlying forces never change; only the avenues of expression change. It is the avenues of expression that determine the results. The major avenues of expression embolden corrupters like sharks finding blood in the water.

Since the process never changes, examples shape history. It seems so preposterous that history is strung with endless decadence compared to problems getting solved in creating an orderly society in modern times. Why did more primitive societies produce so much decadence? The same reason why the recent society is producing such decadence.

Humans assumed an orderly society was here to stay. The past four years proved them wrong. In fact, it was a path to decadence that began in 1981, when the purpose was to create a new normal, that the direction changed. The new normal was the path to decadence. The result is no different than the historical examples.

One of the principles of decadence is that a decadent ruler is needed to unleash the potential for decadence. The decadent ruler must not be a problem solver, because problem solvers create the opposing forces of rationality that corrupters are trying to defeat. In fact, the decadent ruler must be as corrupt as possible to clarify the purpose. The more corrupt, the stronger the allegiance to the purpose and the greater the force of decadence that is produced. Murdering destroyers are the most certain to move corrupters out of hiding and into their new avenue of expression.

Rational persons see the process in its subdued form in supposedly ordered societies. In between persons, who are not so aware of the underlying forces, are surprised when those forces rise to the surface. More critical persons can see it happening.

Reaganism is a recent example. "Is there life after Reagan?" the moralizing activists asked in 1986? They knew there wouldn't be. Their type of organizations disappeared in failure and opposition during the 1980s. The more visible result showed up in 2016.

What was shown by Trump's rule is that the underworld strives for a flat earth state of existence. Nothing positive is left in place unattacked. All structures and complexities are obstacles which expose the incompetence and corruptness that the underworld is trying to remove as an obstacle to their existence.

Of course, corrupters could never live with the result that they create. They don't know it, because they never get that far. They always have the products of rational existence to exploit in their destructiveness. What it means is that there is never a completion of the task of corrupters. Their failures always leave pieces of constructive existence in place to be picked up and rebuilt by rational processes. But none of it is left in place willingly, which shows the standards and motives that underly corruption.

Not the least reason why social ruin is cyclic is because there are in between states which replace constructive existence with decadent existence. The in between state is not an attempt to level the face of the earth but to transition social structures into exploitable forms. It's a replacement process. Replacing rational existence with irrational existence requires moderate destructivity rather than maximum destructivity. What exists must be silently destroyed in the process of putting substitutes in its place.

Fake science and technology show how that process works. Relativity replaces real physics with a pretense of physics, while it is totally nonfunctional. Real physics is nonexistent outside the engineering based upon Newton's laws; but there is a pretense of it existing. Similar is renewable energy which does nothing more than destroy resources and adds nothing to the energy supply, while the pretense is a source of free energy.

The in between state of corruption has the same purpose as the absolute state of corruption, which is to replace rational existence with decadence that does not expose the incompetence and corruptness of corrupters. The difference is that less corrupt persons can manage fakery better than more corrupt persons can.

One of the astounding features of Trump was his inability to fake normalcy. He was obnoxious unlike any other political figure due to his inability to fake anything resembling normalcy. And it was his extremeness that solidified his power unlike any normal politician. It wasn't the wizardry of Trump's schemes that some persons attribute to him but his extreme degeneracy that solidified his power. The extremeness left fewer alternatives and less evidence of the resented rationality that solidifies the purposes of corrupters.

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