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Sociology Of Corruption  67

The Inefficiency Of Corruption

September 22, 2022

The definition of corruption is destructivity. Destructivity destroys efficiency. So of course, there is never a mention of efficiency in the purposes of corrupters.

One of the first things corrupters do when they acquire power over an organization is hire more like-minded persons. They seem to be looking for someone who knows what they are doing. But they are also trying to increase the power of numbers assuming that power is the answer to their problems.

Being constructive is antithetical to the purposes of corrupters, because the requirements of constructivity defeat corrupters exposing them for the corrupters that they are.

The first requirement of constructivity is rationality, which causes truth to increase including the truth about corruption. Then solving problems benefits everyone equally, which is intolerable to corrupters, because they can only defeat opponents by overwhelming them with problems, since their primary conflict is with vulnerable persons.

The socialization of corruption is fascism. As corrupters take over the social structures, everything becomes less and less functional. To deal with the nonfunctionality, corrupters reduce the social order to the simplicity which they can manage. First and foremost, that means stripping functionality out of government, so they can arbitrate uninhibitedly.

In that process, corrupters try to reduce the number of persons who benefit from social existence. The Nazis purifying the Aryan race wasn't about genetics, it was reducing the number of persons who were benefiting from social existence.

Shoving the lower classes out of the economy is how corrupters cope with their inability to function constructively. Fewer persons benefiting from social activity reduces the demands placed upon corrupters who control power.

That process is called austerity. It means fewer persons benefiting from social activity, which makes it easier for corrupters to meet demands.

When it's the IMF imposing austerity onto small countries, they call it "structural adjustments." It means shoving workers out of their jobs, primarily in the public sector where the result can be arbitrated by corrupt governments.

An important thing to notice about that process is that it starts with a well-functioning society. Corrupters do not want a society to be well functioning, because they get left out, and demands are increased upon them, when constructivity is being produced.

So corrupters reduce well-functioning economies to restricted economies. If it is a small country, the IMF is used as an external driving force, which starts with loan sharking. When corrupters are controlling a vulnerable government, the IMF dumps money wantonly onto the corrupters who find methods of burning the money with no public benefit. Then to pay back the money, austerity is demanded through structural adjustments involving putting lower class persons out of work.

If it is not a small country and problems develop for incompetent corrupters, the method of reducing the social order is to raise interest rates, until a crippled economy puts people out of work. That method was used in the late 1970s in response to an energy shortage. Inflation was pushed up to 23% by raising interest rates. Supposedly, the restricted economy solved the problem. But in fact, the energy shortage had long since disappeared while Yuppies improved the economy by going hog wild with their new freedoms created by the deregulation of Reaganism.

Now a similar procedure is being applied to economic problems resulting from supply chain disruptions created in part by the pandemic and by the Trump administration throwing sand into the global economy through tariffs and beating up competitors to get a better deal.

To solve the production problems, interest rates are being increased. How does an increase in interest rates solve the problems? By making them worse. Crippling the economy shoves out lower class workers, which reduces the demands for constructivity. In other words, shrinking the economy is the solution to problems for corrupters.

Draining The Economy Dry

Fraud Is Needed To Monger Power

The March To Fascism

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is

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