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Sociology Of Corruption  64

The Problem Of Conspirators

August 12, 2022

The problem of conspirators is that they destroy what they try to exploit. They don't know it. They assume they are improving by exploiting, because they don't look at functionality in exploiting; they look at the availability of power.

Exploitation is all about power rather than constructivity. Shifting social purposes from functionality to power mongering destroys functionality. Corrupters assume, with their low awareness, that functionality is a low level concern and power mongering is a higher level concern. But of course, they don't know what functionality is when they look at it; they assume functionality is a shift in purpose from higher level to lower level purposes.

So this subject is about functionality. A good entry point would be to look at the lower classes and see what benefits them. When power mongers look in that direction, they get all screwed up in the head, because they despise everything about the lower classes. When the lower classes say one and one equals two, it has to equal anything other than that.

One of the reasons is because incompetent corrupters, which is what power mongers are, assume they are worth what they associate with. Being worth nothing, they need to borrow their worth from their environment, which is why Trump surrounds himself with gold paint. He assumes he is worth gold when his environment looks like gold.

So when power mongers look at the lower classes, they see objectionability which they want to disconnect from. But the reality is that the lower classes need to solve problems, which makes them sources of constructivity, while the power mongers need to strip functionality out of everything so it can be exploited.

Functionality is closely related to rationality, since it takes rationality to create functionality. But rationality exposes corrupters for the corrupters that they are. So fighting a war against rationality is the same thing as stripping functionality from activities in the world of incompetent corrupters mongering power to make themselves winners.

How the abstract philosophy works in practice is highly visible in the fake technology of renewable energy, electric vehicles and self-driving. Any idiot should know that those endeavors are going nowhere. They haven't been going anywhere for a long time. Yet the fakes keep pretending that the fake technology is the wave of the future, because fakery is better than functionality in mongering power.

The fakery is designed for exploitation. Exploitation means starting with something constructive and useful that someone else produced through rationality and stripping it of its rationality so it can be controlled by incompetent corrupters. Controlled by corrupters means ripped out of the hands of rational persons and put into the hands of incompetent corrupters. That's what exploitation is.

Yet corrupters assume they will end up with the same power, as influence, after they acquire control of activities by stripping away the functionality. They can't take over a process until the functionality is stripped away, because they are incompetent and exposed as incompetent were functionality requires rationality. They only monger power because they cannot get where they want to be when rationality places demands upon them.

The March To Fascism

Why Corruption

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is

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