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The Physiological Error Of Fat Management

June 2, 2021

Exercise specialists have a concept wrong which produces the opposite result than they expect. They expect aerobic exercise to burn away fat. It never does, but they keep trying and insisting.

What they are missing is regulation mechanisms. Aerobic exercise is countered by feedback control mechanisms that cause more fat to be produced.

Evolution controls those processes. There are a huge number of control mechanisms over physiology that have evolved. In response to new conditions, evolution rebalances the net result in ways which are way too complex for human evaluation.

Therefore observation must replace simplified assumptions. There is always a logic for unexpected results. The observable result with fat production is that when someone gets more exercise they produce more fat. The specialists keep observing that fact, but they can't explain it, so they try to defy it.

The logic is in the evolution. Humans evolved their characteristics under conditions where they had a lot of outdoor activity. Outdoor activity requires fat that is burned up to be replaced. Control mechanisms over physiology produce that result.

Trainers aren't going to defy those physiological mechanisms. They tend to blame the victims for not following rules properly. There is no proper way to follow incorrect rules.

The assumption that fat can be burned away through aerobic exercise is a fallacy due to over-simplified assumptions by persons who do not understand how evolution created physiological control mechanisms.

Another point that is being missed is the usual cause of fat production. The most significant cause of over-production of fat which is not genetically caused is poor circulation. And the primary cause of poor circulation is not enough exercise. But aerobic exercise is the wrong type of exercise. The type that is needed is that which improves circulation.

Yoga would be better for reducing excess fat than aerobic exercise, because yoga improves circulation. Practitioners of yoga tend to look thin, and they usually do not get much aerobic exercise.

The reason why circulation is so important is because energy that is needed in muscles cannot get to where it is needed without good circulation. So more energy is produced trying to meet the demands, while it stays in the area where it starts, which means the waistline.

With good circulation, no more energy needs to be produced than gets used, which is the most important factor in preventing excess fat production.

Studies of this subject are largely doomed to failure due to over-simplified assumptions which mix effects and do not properly account for the complexities. It's far more difficult to account for the complexities of human nutrition, physiology and behavior than researchers seem to realize.

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