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Projection Type Two


October 8, 2020

Projection is a psychology concept for describing how corrupters try to transfer the truth about their own corruptions onto someone else. The purpose is to make opponents look like they are causing the problems and are more corrupt than the corrupters.

What it means is that corrupters are describing themselves when they accuse someone else of something. It's the only thing they can do anyway, because they are so out of contact with reality that they don't know anything about their opponents.

Being an ingrained pattern resulting from repetitious behavior and aligned upon the ignorance and corruptness of corrupters, the process is used broadly in substituting for evaluation. So the broad application of the mechanism could be called type two projection.

Type two projection is the attempt to smear opponents with preconceived realities aligned upon motives with no relationship to objective reality.

The mechanism starts with prejudice. It means corrupters hate opponents, so they imagine things about them. For analogy, if primitives hated gold, they might assume that gold is the cause of their diseases. They would be projecting assumptions about disease onto gold, because they hate gold.

Corrupters smearing opponents works that way. They first imagine opponents must be corrupt and the cause of all problems. So anything negative that can be imagined must apply to their opponents. Then, negative things are imagined into existence for doing that.

The most basic underlying corruption in projection and type two projection is a disconnect from reality. Objective reality would straighten out such corruptions. But it doesn't happen for corrupters, because they are disconnected from reality. Their corrupt realities don't get corrected in their own minds, because objective reality would be needed to do the correcting and they are disconnected from objective reality.

Being disconnected from objective reality results in realities being imagined into existence in corrupt minds. While realities are being imagined, they are being aligned upon motives. So the result is contrivance designed for a purpose which is total fakery.

Corrupters believe in their contrived fakery, because they have nothing other than that for reality. It takes objective reality to determine what is wrong with contrived fakery. Without objective reality to measure with, believing in their own, contrived fakery is all corrupters have for reality.

An example is Trump accusing Biden of every corruption imaginable, such as allowing Iran to take over the country if he gets elected. Conservatives in general try to contrive every imaginable corruption for liberals with no relationship to reality.

If not, there is supposed to be enough explanation to clarify. The total absence of explanation means there is no relationship to reality. Conservatives cannot explain anything, because they have no reality in their heads to produce a basis for explanations.

Trump's endless harping on opponents being criminals who need to be in jail shows that he has no ability to determine what laws are. He claims the impeachment was the worst crime ever in attempting to overthrow the government, while Constitutionally described procedures were followed and showed that he wantonly defied election laws. He constantly defies every law that he encounters in turning a constitutional democracy into a fascist state.

Examples include defying the courts when they say he is supposed to stop separating families at the border, defying Congress when they subpoena documents, misusing funds which Congress appropriated for other purposes and defying trade agreements which have been approved by Congress and binding laws of world organizations. Tell us it's national security. Defying laws for fake reasons is the entire essence of totalitarian, autocratic fascism.

Trump assumes the Senate found him not guilty of the impeachment crime. It didn't. It shows that Trump is incapable of determining what government is.

The impeachment process was political, not judicial. The House did a detailed investigation and write-up which showed the crime. All the Senate did was vote while making a mockery of procedural fairness, which proved nothing but their political values.

For Trump to assume that the impeachment was the worst crime ever committed shows a total inability to evaluate. The process went by the book as described by the Constitution and judicial interpretations including the Senate's right to produce procedural mockeries. The Senate not agreeing upon the impeachment was an option. Nowhere in that process was anything done illegally. Where is the procedural crime Trump harps on? He imagines what government is supposed to be.

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