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The Post Office Was Fine Tuned

October 8, 2021

The Post Office was fined tuned for efficiency and effectiveness. It needed nothing but public assistance for public service.

Laws require the Post Office to provide public service. It should therefore get public assistance. It cannot provide public service without external assistance due to the requirements that it has.

The mentality of making the Post Office a profitable business by gutting it could not be a bigger fraud by infantiles who don't have a clue as to what efficiency is. Efficiency is not reduced technology, increased manual labor, clutter and contradictions.

There is no factor more relevant to the efficiency and effectiveness of the post office than eliminating conflicts and contradictions. Creating conflicts and contradictions is the only thing Dejoy has been doing.

For journalists to say the Post Office needed an overhaul is mindless stupidity by incompetents who know nothing of the vast complexities of such an operation. They throw out word salad with no meaning but their own arrogance.

There is no method of converting the Post Office into a business, when it does not have the purpose of being a business and is under laws which prevent it from functioning as a business. Scrambling its operations could never make it a profitable business. It has to compete with other methods of distribution which are not under laws requiring public service.

Therefore, the Post Office must charge competitive prices and get public assistance to do so. To increase its prices makes it less competitive and reduces its volume making every element of its operation more costly.

Dejoy is not qualified to evaluate such concerns. His experience is limited to managing a simple operation which has not one millionth of the complexity of the post office. He has no contact with Post Office operations which would inform him of the requirements of his purposes.

One of the major factors being missed by the incompetents is that complex operations such as the Post Office need to evolve their solutions over decades. To replace that process with personal whim which tears down the evolved process couldn't be a bigger fraud. Evolved processes require the interactions of all persons who are involved in all elements of the process. To assume all of that can be replaced by one person's whim is a fraud upon the public.

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