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Rule By Know-Nothings

March 26, 2022

Know-nothings are the favorite ploy now days for imposing fraud upon society. The stupidity is exploited as a barrier to rationality.

Corrupters want a flat social order, where nothing stands in the way of corruption including social structures and government. Social structures are created with rules and laws which corrupters despise. That's why Reagan said "government is the problem," while conservatives dismantled government by throwing out laws, which they called "deregulation."

But more basically, it is rationality that is the primary threat to incompetent corrupters, because truth is the result and truth is the only force corrupters cannot defeat.

Rationality not only produces truth, it places demands upon frauds which they cannot meet. Frauds need to maintain an image, while rationality obliterates their image. So they need an out. Know-nothings are the answer.

Know-nothings deliberately screw up, such as getting milligrams mixed up with grams, so they are not expected to be accountable for complex details. And yet they replace competent and rational persons. The net result is a black-out on information people need, and incompetent frauds are off the hook for accountability.

Fifteen years ago, promoters of the greenhouse effect tried to argue issues. They fell flat on their faces and stopped arguing. Now they decree rather than argue; and know-nothings are used for that purpose.

Know-nothings push the envelope as wide as possible into absurdities trying to make fakery and fraud normal. A rule of thumb for corrupters is that if they throw ten times more fakery at a subject than they need, the ten percent that sticks is suitable for their purpose. So they maximize and normalize absurdities.

Fake science and technology are no longer argued, as know-nothings have taken over those subjects and they cannot be questioned. They block out all rationality. It would be like arguing with a lamp post or animal.

There has been no real progress with so-called renewable energy or electric vehicles in ten years. Yet the pretense is that new technology is on the path to producing carbon free transportation. It's as ridiculous as a water-free ocean. No one bothers to argue the absurdities, while a whole society must become part of the pretense or get shoved out of the process. Even oil companies have been forced to pretend that they are removing carbon dioxide from the air; and they are being sued in the courts for not saying so several decades ago.

The first significance of all fraud is that the standards required for producing rationality are removed from the process. Frauds get by with gutter-level standards, because improving standards is more difficult than winning arguments. Frauds simply reduce standards to non-rationality to obliterate opposing forces and get by with it.

Electric vehicles are still nothing but a toy for the rich and never will be anything other than that. Supposedly, the technology is marching forward and becoming practical for common persons. Baloney. No real progress has been made in ten years, because the whole concept is a fraud. The miss is a mile. Batteries cannot be significantly improved; and they cannot store the energy of transportation. They double the weight of automobiles, while reducing weight was the only progress in improving efficiency over the past thirty years (since fuel injection replaced carburetors).

There isn't enough metal on planet Earth to replace present energy systems with so-called renewables as solar and wind power. It would take six times as much electricity; and the lines would be thousands of miles long instead of one mile in placing generators near cities. There is already a shortage of transmission lines, because they are too expensive and environmentally destructive. When doubling the lines is not possible, they are not going to be increased by a factor of six thousand.

The whole concept of renewable energy is infantile. Wind and solar energy are too dilute to be used on a large scale in a practical manner. The only answer to the energy problem is responsible nuclear energy while using clean coal for the transition. Not the least reason why it isn't occurring is because competent engineers have been shoved out of the process and the ones remaining are no longer capable of handling the complexities.

Where Fake Science Came From

Electric Vehicle Fraud

Renewable Energy Fraud

The March To Fascism

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is

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