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The Values Of Racism

Racism looks like a values problem, but It is a reality problem that allows such values to exist and increase. Corrupters cut themselves off from realities which would normally align the values.

The reality problem that creates racism is a desperate need for simplicity. Incompetent power mongers cannot handle complexities. Nothing creates more complexity (in their world) than the cultural differences that go with racial differences.

But the starting point of all corruption is a disconnect from objective reality which creates a bubble-wall. When all external reality becomes a problem, corrupters must block it out. The deliberate attempt to block out external reality creates a bubble-wall around corrupters. All of their problems are nurtured inside of the bubble-wall which separates them from outside realities.

Inside that bubble, incompetent power mongers need homogeneous realities for lack of complexities. And they need copy-and-paste realities which they can move around with no evaluation needed.

Large tracts of reality need to be represented with labels and characterized as good or bad with three word slogans. Without complexities, only the good or bad is relevant to any subject matter. So labels have to represent good or bad.

Adding complexities to a subject really screws things up for incompetent power mongers. All subjects are extremely complex in the modern world. To represent the complexities requires rationality. But rationality deals with abstract realities which are totally unfathomable to incompetent power mongers.

So rationality applied to complexities looks like degeneracy to degenerates. Rationality doesn't have the required emptiness. This is why liberals, as the enemies of elitists and bigots, are ridiculed and degraded so self-righteously. The complexities of rationality look like degeneracy, which means liberals are degrading the environment of incompetent power mongers who are always elitists and bigots. Total emptiness is the ideal corrupters strive for.

Corrupters are so certain that the reductionism of ultra simplicity is the answer to everything that they are on a mission to eradicate all complexity from life. Their starting point is racism, because any evidence of a difference carries with it vast amounts of cultural complexities.

Because ultra simplification is absolutely necessary to corrupters, they feel they must eradicate all complexities from life before a suitable state of existence is achieved, which makes them driven racists. Racists are driven; there is nothing nonchalant about their attacks, because they are cut out of the loop wherever complexities are allowed to exist.

Corrupters reduce everything in life to ultra simplicity, which is as easy as ignoring most subjects, particularly such complexities as science. But race is much more visible to them, so their racism is expressed more visibly than their rejection of other subjects.

Insidious Racism

There are a lot of more sophisticated persons who know better than to outwardly show racism, while they are insidious racists. Does it mean they are so incompetent that they need homogeneous reality? Sort of.

Persons who do not handle abstract reality well copy and paste their reality into place. What it would have been called before there were computers, I don't know. It was viewed as too much memorizing and not enough understanding.

If everything is copied and pasted, then everything becomes homogeneous. This problem isn't limited to racism but it does include insidious racism by requiring that all reality be the same for everyone. If everything must be the same, then there is only one race. Multiple races throw a wrench into the works for copy-and-pasters.

This problem shows up in a more critical way in the fake realities of science, technology and journalism. No one must question the official realities which survive the process of instilling fakery into the social realities. Everyone must have the same reality, because incompetents cannot evaluate reality to determine what is correct or incorrect.

Such persons despise vulnerable persons, because problems require answers, and answers are not copy and paste. Problems require original evaluation. Similarly, such persons despise the application of rationality to the causes and solutions to problems, because copy-and-pasters cannot handle rationality. They don't want demands placed upon rationality which they cannot handle.

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is



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