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May 11, 2021

Reductionism is how incompetent corrupters compete for the rationality which they are incapable of producing. It's trying to argue motives which don't fit the realities.

There is no way to align reductionism upon realities, because reductionism replaces too much. The essence of it is over-simplification. It's like making something too large. Adding more elements would reduce each point to a smaller part of the total.

An example at this time is the argument over "cancel culture." Somehow it got framed as a problem that liberals created. In reality, the conservative standard is cancel culture. Trump amplifies the point. There is nothing he has ever done, in government or out, than cancel his way into success. The only art of a deal that he has ever shown is to fire someone.

What Trump showed is that he had no ability to add complex evaluation to a situation. Therefore, picking and choosing the sycophants around him was his only management option. That's ultra reductionism. It reduces the complexities of management to nothing but firing his way into success.

Other examples of extreme reductionism are endless. Bringing back the factories is extreme reductionism. A factory now days has to be globally competitive. It has to export. That means it has to compete on global markets. Factories in the U.S. usually cannot for endless reasons.

Even when factories are attempted in the U.S., they can't get past the starting point for endless reasons. The first problem administrators encounter is that the supply chain is in Asia. For one or two items, no problem. But that was 1949, not now days. Modern technology is made of thousands of items. They can't be imported, because the information and mechanisms are not that fluid.

Try to find out the characteristics of a computer screw that is made in China. First there is a language barrier. Then there is a telephone problem in tracing down the person who knows. Then there is the problem that the item is not described or catalogued. Then there is the problem that errors need to be corrected in the process when someone misinterprets the requirements. It can't be done from five thousand miles away across language and culture barriers. Multiply that problem for hundreds of thousands of items that go into modern technology.

Erasing that problem is ultra reductionism. Bringing back the factories is erasing that problem.

Another bit of stupidity reductionism is the assumption that the components will be sourced domestically. That's like saying, we are going to grow our food in our kitchen. Production doesn't work that way.

It takes several different types of factories just to manufacture the screws that go into modern technology. In the U.S., there has to be a parking lot for each of those factories. There goes the export market. So you get a hundred screws at one factory and a hundred at another factory; and then both of them go out of business, and a new factory is needed for screws in future technology. The same is true of the rubber feet, the spacers, the printed circuit boards, etc. You can't put a parking lot around each of those factories and produce a few hundred items. Not knowing that is ultra reductionism.

You say the same factory can produce all of the screws or circuit boards for thousands of products. Some of that is true in China. Forty years ago, some of that was true in the U.S. Now days, it's not. Who's going to buy those circuit boards, when most of the products are being built in some other country?

So conservatives imply that everything can be built in the U.S. Even if the rest of the world wanted to pay five times as much for their products, millions of factories with parking lots around each one would eat up the corn fields and then some. There would need to be factories on stilts on the sides of the mountains and two billion workers for them.

Irrational assumptions don't include scale. They start at a miniscule point and add one miniscule item at a time. They never get far enough along the process to include the totality. Omitting too much is reductionism.

Conservatives produce nothing but ultra reductionism as trite slogans for their causes, such as family values and lowering taxes. Destroying the lower classes is not promoting family values. Burning tax dollars on stock buy-backs is not lowering taxes. Eliminating oceans of realities on those subjects is ultra reductionism.

Conservatives cannot develop realities, because the interaction of realities causes truth to evolve and exposes their incompetence and corrupt motives.

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