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Reductionistic Logic


October 6, 2020

An absence of reality in the heads of corrupters causes them to reduce their logic to simplistic absurdities. Instead of relating to realities, they assume their values and motives must produce correct realities.

Since mongering power is the purpose of corrupters, their logic tells them that power must be the source of truth, knowledge and all that is right and good. Opponents saying otherwise must be the ruination of man.

One of the most common examples is conservatives forever dumping tax dollars onto corporations assuming the economy will be improved. There is no theoretical way for the economy to be improved that way. But the reductionistic logic of conservatives tells them that building up their friends in the power structures must be the answer to everything.

The corollary logic is that destroying their enemies at the bottom of society should also be the answer to everything. Those two tactics are equivalents in the motives of corrupters. Either or both does the same thing in mongering power: building up the power mongers or destroying vulnerable persons.

In other words, corrupters don't simply promote corruption, take it or leave it, as criminals do. They assume they are saving mankind through corruption by solving all problems and promoting all that is right.

In that world, logic is replaced by values and motives. What corrupters like to do replaces the logic of a subject. It's no different than a heroin addict insisting that taking heroin is the salvation of man and will solve all problems by producing truth and knowledge.

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