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The Relationship Between Power And Fraud


July 19, 2022

Power requires fraud; and fraud requires power. That's because power is a personalization of social interactions, where constructivity requires objective reality.

Objective reality is that which originates outside a person's mind. Subjective reality originates inside a person's mind. Personal realities are subjective and not suitable for general social interactions.

Corrupters want to get more out of life than their incompetence produces. They need destructivity to get there. Destructivity requires power and fraud.

The social order deteriorates, as incompetent corrupters push their way into the social structures and impose frauds onto everyone. The result becomes fascism when the corrupters reach a degree of success which socializes the corruption.

Just as conservatives depend upon the "big lie" that the election was stolen from Trump, greens (fake liberals) depend upon the big lie that carbon dioxide is destroying the planet.

In other words, the deterioration of society increases as two sides vie for power; and fraud is needed to produce the power. Each side is desperately trying to subdue the other, while fraud is needed to do that.

That's why the absurdities of the frauds are ignored. The realities are sacrificed for the power. So the question here is, why does fraud enhance power.

There are many elements to that subject, many of them being equal; so the subject needs to arbitrarily start in the middle without a foundational point to rest upon.

One element of the equation is that objective reality aligned upon the laws of the universe which define life and solutions to problems cannot be modified by humans; so objective reality is unrelated to anyone's personal power. Therefore, personal power must be disconnected from the only significant source of objective reality—the laws of the universe which create a unified reality as the basis for truth.

What that means is the persons disappear in significance when objective realities are being produced. Persons might be visible while not being relevant to the objective realities. In other words, it's not objective reality unless disconnected from the persons.

But power is about persons only. Power means replacing the social structures with the subjective and arbitrary whims of incompetent corrupters.

A closely related point is that realities must be malleable for corrupters to prevail, which also requires a disconnect from the objective realities which are not malleable.

Power is used for domination. That means the dominating persons must be superior and their versions of reality must prevail over opposing realities. Therefore, there must be a noble cause to promote and uncontested wisdom applied to the cause in order to prevail without other persons producing a more noble concern with a higher wisdom.

To prevent a higher wisdom from prevailing, there has to be a lot of darkness involved. The promoted realities need to be absurd to prevent opponents from correcting them.

For example, renewable energy is promoted as being "on par with coal." There is no such thing as any reality being on par with any other reality. So there is no correcting the absurd claim. Of course, the implication is that renewable energy is cheaper and more efficient that coal powered energy; so why not say cheaper and more efficient? Because it is not true and opponents could prove the claims to be wrong. An absurdity cannot be proven wrong. It's non-falsifiable. The fraud is needed to enhance the power.

Because of such demands placed upon corrupters, their basic communication method is perverse. It consists of a list of derogatory statements pinned onto enemies and glamorizations for insiders. Enemies are tore down, corrupters are built up.

For the most infantile corrupters such as Trump, the process is simply name calling for enemies and great-great for sycophants. But there has never been an insider for Trump who doesn't rapidly transition from great-great to moron.

That nonsense would be irrelevant except that it is equated with rationality in mainstream media, as if standards of communication were irrelevant. A pretense of criticism is published as diatribe which lists the negatives of enemies while glamorizing like-minded corrupters.

That standard is always produced by conservatives, which seems to be why journalists put up with it. They seem to think that fairness requires them to represent the conservative view, while conservatives are incapable of producing respectable standards of communication. Conservatives can all be painted with the same brush, because no one with a trace of self-respect would have anything to do with them as they solidify their power as fascism rapidly transforming into Nazism.

Conservatives frame their purpose as if it were standard criticism and rationality, while there is no explanation with claims. Biden is simply a loser because they say so. We do no more than listen to their list of grievances as supposed criticism.

Conservatives cannot break out of that pattern, because real rationality produces the truth which they cannot tolerate. Rationality exposes them for the corrupters that they are. That means explanations of their claims prove them to be wrong and corrupt. So conservatives derived a pattern of quasi communication which is stripped of the information needed to prove them wrong.

For example, the economy is supposedly improved by having corporations burn trillions of tax dollars on stock buy-backs, while a few billion to assist the needy is supposedly inflationary. Any explanation would show the contradictions and absurdities of the claims. But the claims are simply stated as facts that need no explanations.

Rationality requires an explanation of cause-and-effect relationships, because it is the cause-and-effect relationships that determine results. It is the most basic and abstract realities that determine cause-and-effect relationships. The obscurity requires more focus on cause-and-effect relationships; but instead, superficialities are so common that correct rationality does not often get produced. How can a social order be sustained without correct rationality? Wouldn't it deteriorate into fascism?

The March To Fascism

Green Is Not Liberalism

Economic Chronicle

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How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is

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