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Right From Wrong


July 18, 2022

It's impossible to convict power mongers of crime, unless they can be separated from the pack of conspirators, as Trump shows. The reason why is because there must be criminal intent before there can be crime and power mongers never have criminal intent while they are conspiring with power mongers.

But that problem is legalism. Law can only be applied to extreme cases. Right-from-wrong applies to everything independent of legalism. But right-from-wrong is never allowed to enter mainstream journalism, as power mongers have instilled an ethic in journalists to never allow moral implications to develop. Only around the periphery do journalists defy that rule.

Yet right-from-wrong is the determining criterion for constructivity and solving human problems. For that reason, conservatives base their existence on the highest road possible while doing the opposite. So it is important to straighten out some of the fraud.

Conservatives subjectivize everything they say and do. The simple reason is that they are cut off from objective reality by their corruptness. Subjectivity is the essence of existence when out of contact with objective reality. Yet it is inappropriate to take up subjective concerns in the social domain. People have a right to expect objective reality in the public domain, because life is defined and sustained by objective realities, while subjective realities can never be clarified.

Objective reality originates outside of a person's mind. Subject reality originates within a person's mind.

Objective reality based on the laws of the universe must be the source of life and therefore applied to solving problems. Humans need to create representations of objective reality as knowledge. And humans need to relate problem solving activities to objective reality through the process of rationality.

Rationality is the application of reason, which means the process of relating one reality to another in a complete enough manner to properly represent a subject. That means explanations are supposed to exist with claims.

Yet corrupters explain nothing. They promote their values instead. Nothing constructive can result from that method of relating to realities, since it is totally subjective.

On top of that, persons who defy rationality do not have constructive purposes. Their purposes start with the intention of prevailing against other persons to be winners, which destroys the ability to be constructive.

Conservatives are that way, because the conservative cause has distilled down to that standard and nothing other than that is allowed within the conservative power structure as shown by attacks upon anyone who does not adhere to the requirements. That means conservatives can all be painted with the same brush.

And yet, conservatives pretend that no one has a right to live but themselves and their collaborators. Only the demands of right-from-wrong say otherwise. Those demands never get discussed, as conservatives get a free pass in their destruction of the social order which gradually reduces to Nazism.

Nazism is the most extreme form of fascism. Fascism is the socialization of corruption. Trump's pedestal shows that fascism has taken over the social order. There is a lot of wrong promoted as virtue in fascism taking over the social order.

Along with promoting values, conservative fascists fight a war against the rationality needed to sustain human existence in applying objective reality to solving problems. They fight a war against rationality, because truth automatically evolves out of the interactions of realities and the truth exposes incompetent corrupters for what they are.

The "culture wars" which conservatives created are drenched in the corruptions of subjectivity and values being imposed upon everyone with no relationship to objective reality and no rationality applied to the subjects with the explanations that would allow truth to evolve. Culture wars are a bottom level attack upon human existence. White racism is one of the most obvious examples of why culture wars are destructive.

Conservatives can't understand that fact, because they disconnect themselves from objective reality. They assume that nothing exists but subjective realities and therefore imposing their values and concerns onto everyone else is the highest achievement of humans. Alignment of existence upon themselves is supposed to be the purpose of the human society.

As the fascism of conservatives increases, tearing down the social order is the result. Corrupters cannot tolerate ordered existence, because it places demands upon them and exposes them for the corrupters that they are. They want a flat social existence where no demands are place upon them. That means no government or laws except for a power structure that they arbitrarily control and unmeetable demands that they place upon others through arbitrary whims.

Corrupters cannot understand the alternative to corruption; so it needs to be summarized in a succinct way. Sustaining human life by solving problems means acquiring knowledge and representing through rationality the objective realities produced by the universe in defining life. Subjectivity disrupts and degrades that process. Subjectivity must exist but outside general social interactions. Subjectivity can never be entirely removed from objective reality but must be prevented from disrupting constructivity.

In that manner, life is sustained. That means each person can have whatever subjective values they want.

Corrupters do not tolerate a constructive state of affairs, because they are dependent upon dominating other persons as a source of power. Power is needed by corrupters to replace the rationality which they oppose.

Differences are not tolerated by corrupters for two reasons. One, everything outside their power structure is in conflict with their power structure, since structured power is artificially produced in conflict with the laws of the universe and related objective realities. And two, differences cause realities to interact, while all interactions of realities cause truth to evolve. Truth exposes corrupters for the destroyers that they are.

The March To Fascism

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is

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