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Assuming Corruption To Be Virtue

February 22, 2022

Corruption is imposed very self-righteously, because corrupters believe in corruption.

There are two elements to believing in corruption. The first element is the assumption that corruption is the answer to everything. The second element is the need to promote corruption through destructivity, because unbelievers won't accept the inevitability of corruption.

The plain and simple starting point of the subject is that corrupters subconsciously find that elitism and bigotry are the most wonderful things they know of. They don't have a clue as to what elitism and bigotry actually are, they simply know that they get what they want out of life through elitism and bigotry.

A secondary reinforcement for assuming corruption is virtue is the need to oppose the rationality that defeats corrupters due to their inability to produce rationality and defy the truth that results from rationality. Defeating rationality is the underlying motive for the war corrupters fight against enemies.

How do corrupters pick their enemies? Their enemies are persons who apply rationality to the purposes of life particularly when using rationality to oppose corruption. Seldom do corrupters need to cross political lines, since the lines have long-ago been drawn around the imposition of corruption vs the need to defeat corruption. But the opposition to rationality is more basic than established political lines.

Bigotry is the subconscious assumption that power is virtue and powerlessness is corruption. It puts corrupters above others, so they can dominate and prevail. Elitism is the mentality that goes with the bigotry.

Therefore, corrupters are on a continuous quest to impose elitism and bigotry onto society. Being an impossible task, they throw everything they have at the purpose. That means making a lot of persons mad at the destructiveness. The resulting conflict is fought with the assumption that destructiveness is a necessity in existence, because others won't accept the inevitability of elitism and bigotry prevailing as the answer to everything.

Since elitism and bigotry are destructive along with the added destructivity required to impose them, they conflict with the laws of the universe which define life. The result is that corrupters assume their purpose is superior to the laws of the universe.

That whole endeavor causes corrupters to assume that their opponents are blindly attached to the inferior and self-defeating attempt to align upon the laws of the universe through rationality and truth. Corrupters assume that no one can ever solve their problems through rationality aligned upon the laws of the universe and only fools would try to.

It seems so simple and obvious that disconnecting from the universe and the complexities of rationality are the answer to everything, because corrupters gain freedom in doing so. What they mean by freedom is disconnecting from the demands of rationality and the resulting connection to the laws of the universe.

That's what Reagan meant by "morning in America." He assumed that conservatives succeeded in prevailing over the fools who were attempting to produce rationality aligned upon the laws of the universe.

Anyone who promotes rationality is assumed to be a liberal by conservatives, because the persons who are most concerned about rationality often call themselves liberals. So even if such persons do not call themselves liberals, trying to produce rationality results in conservatives calling them liberals. However, some persons who do call themselves liberals can be quite disconnected from rationality such as the greens.

The greens are extremely conservative but somehow got aligned with liberals. Greens are conservative in destroying environments and making the lower classes pay through the nose for the result. It's what conservatives try to do but never with the degree of success as the greens.

No one could miss the fact that recycling is infinitely more destructive to environments than producing from scratch. Greens don't miss that fact, they just have some quirky notion that there is an esoteric benefit in doing something where all evidence shows the destructiveness.

Now days, corrupters realize that they will never succeed in imposing their assumed virtue onto everyone else; but they endlessly try, because the alternative is being losers in attempting to produce rationality.

The most visible fact about believing in corruption is so abstract and preposterous that it defies explanation. It's the feeling by corrupters that they are desperately trying to save existence from opponents. Their cause is held together by that feeling of necessity. They fight a war of us-against-them in their attempts to muster support for their cause.

The thing that makes that cause so visible is its absurdity. Corrupters fight for their cause through criminality. Things that are right and justifiable are not supported by criminality; yet conservatives assume criminality is justified in promoting their self-righteous cause.

Laws were written to determine what criminality is. People determined what would be unacceptable and criminalized a very limited number of behaviors which would be off limits. Conservatives know that, but they assume humans were wrong in disallowing criminality to support their inviolable cause; and therefore, such laws must be opposed and righteously defied.

Such defiance includes the government regulations which conservatives have been throwing out consisting of a century of laws designed to protect banking, the environment, utilities and transportation. Conservatives actually believe they are destroying such laws for the good of mankind.

Corrupters sort out the social order in terms of us-against-them. There is a distinct difference between "us" and "them" due to the absurdity of the corrupt cause. No one is going to be a part of their "us" without being brain-dead on the difference between right and wrong. A tightly knit group is required to oppose the universe, which demands a lot of attention focussed on the "us."

In other words, being a bag of corrupt garbage is so normal to corrupters that they assume it is the only real state of existence. That's why conservatives said they were creating a "new normal," when they acquired power in 1981. They had already been assuming that corruption was normal, and they assumed they finally succeeded in prevailing with that path in life.

The March To Fascism

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Draining The Economy Dry

Corruption Is An Ethic

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What Corruption Is

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