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The Significance Of Carbon Dioxide Stupidity


September 1, 2021

Throughout human history, there have been absurd assumptions overwhelming the social order. Bloodletting to cure disease killed George Washington. To tell George Washington's doctors that bloodletting was murderous quackery might have gotten one thrown in jail.

That's where carbon dioxide stands in human assumptions at this time. Various persons have been saying they can look out the window and see what carbon dioxide is doing. That's not how science works. It's as crazy as bloodletting.

Weather has been ravaging the surface of the Earth for four billion years, and it has never been due to carbon dioxide. Some scientists know that, while persons who can't spell science think they are crazy.

There was five times as much carbon dioxide in the air during dinosaur years, and the only effect it had on dinosaurs was to increase their food supply. There was ten times as much carbon dioxide in the air when terrestrial plants formed. There is now a major shortage of carbon dioxide in the air for plant growth, where it is needed for photosynthesis in converting carbon dioxide into biological material. Greenhouse operators put 3-5 times as much carbon dioxide in the air to improve plant growth.

CO2 Graph

Nonscientists assume everything was always the same until humans screwed it up. Never was there so little carbon dioxide in the air as there is now. It's about 400 parts per million. That means there are 2,500 air molecules surrounding each carbon dioxide molecule. Such a miniscule amount of something is never going to screw up planet Earth. It's absence will.

All life is on the verge of becoming extinct due to the shortage of carbon dioxide in the air. The reason is because oceans absorb carbon dioxide and tie it up as calcium carbonate and limestone. The oceans always do that. The oceans almost removed all carbon dioxide from the air 300 million years ago. In the nick of time, volcanoes started to form and replenished the carbon dioxide in the air.

That result occurred because tectonic plates keep getting thicker as planet Earth cools, and they got just the right thickness 300 million years ago to cause the plates to slide under and over each other creating volcanoes. Now the plates are so thick that lava can no longer get to the surface in most cases; so oceans are again removing more carbon dioxide from the air than volcanoes are replacing.

The most significant fact about carbon dioxide assumptions is that the fraud puts incompetent power mongers in control of our lives. The subject of global warming exists for that reason only. Incompetents in science acquired so much power that they threw out rational scientists preventing them from getting grants or publishing and sometimes getting them fired.

Nonscientists were then impressed by the power and brought the fraud to the surface and prevented criticism of it.

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