  The Sociology Of Corruption   wine glass     

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June 10, 2022

Self-centeredness is a reaction that puts persons in conflict with each other. It starts with the feeling of being shoved out of existence. The unwary try to put themselves back into existence by focussing upon themselves. In doing that, they rationalize and promote a conflict with everyone else.

Racism is one of the most visible examples. Racism means one group in conflict with another group. Why put groups in conflict with each other? Self-centeredness is the reason.

Self-centered persons assume they are doing a correction. It's like committing a crime as a correction. The only valid correction to any problem is universality. That means solutions have to be the same for everyone, not just isolated persons.

Plurality is how the correction is described by the "libs." Plurality rubs conservatives the wrong way. They assume white males are being discriminated against when talking about plurality. Conservatives assume that the only option is which group should prevail rather than an option which allows everyone to be equal in the eyes of the universe—equality being one of the "self-evident and inalienable truths."

"We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men were created equal." The haters of that fact wave flags in peoples' faces claiming their version of the Aryan race is the only race that owns the government. Putting chief racist, Trump, back in power through criminality and sedition is their fix.

Racists assume everything reduces to either-or rather than all-qual. They can't get to the point of all-equal due to their self-centeredness. They can't get beyond self-centeredness, because they decided to prevail as the answer to their problems rather than universalizing their existence through rationality.

Corrupters decided that they have a better chance of being winners if they prevail against everyone else than if they try to be rational (as in making relationships between realities which connect objective realities to the universe which defines life).

When corrupters acquire power, as in Trump becoming a powerful and degenerate ruler, they find validation for their worst impulses. Worst impulses are a quick fix, while being constructive is so difficult. The quick fix must certainly be the secret to success in the eyes of corrupters.

That's why demagoguery prevails over rationality. Once a degenerate corrupter acquires power, he convinces the unwary that the quick fix of criminality must be the answer to everything.

(Corrupters see nothing of consequences to corruption and wonder why some persons "hate Trump," while Trump "came through" for them. It's because corrupters exist in such a tiny, superficial bubble that long-term consequences are invisible to them. A three second high is their total existence. Trump coming through for them means he promoted white racism as the only realistic standard and dismantled government which is assumed to be a mistaken belief in mindless complexities.)

Demagogues only acquire power after the social order has deteriorated to such an extent that corrupters can prevail. The deterioration has been occurring for forty years, as Reaganites promoted criminality as the solution to problems—criminality as dismantling government and laws through so-called deregulation while defying every law encountered along the way as a principle for achieving the desired result.

Reagan and his followers were concerned about a problem and were trying to do a correction. They said they were going to correct "eighty years of liberalism gone awry" by creating "a new normal." That attitude of doing a correction on normal is the same thing as self-centeredness. Persons don't do corrections on normal existence. Only the laws of the universe determine what normal and proper are, not persons. Creating a new normal is an attempt to replace the universe with the persons. That's what self-centeredness is.

Normal is determined by the laws of the universe, because life is created and sustained by the laws of the universe. To create a new normal is equivalent to changing the nature of gravity. Why did Reaganites want to create a new normal? Because they put themselves in conflict with the universe through corruption. Corruption is a conflict with the laws of the universe as the foundation for objective reality. Corrupters cannot tolerate objective reality prevailing or being imposed upon them, because they are incompetent at handling realities.

The superficial assumption of Reaganites (transformative conservatives) is that they were doing a political correction—something usual and necessary. The word normal meant transformative but supposedly politically valid. The problem is, they had every intention of changing everything in how politics and government were to be controlled, as shown by the fact that they set about turning government upside down, throwing out centuries of critical laws as so-called deregulation and using government for nothing but a source of power for themselves. The completion of that process put Trump in power as a driven promoter of crass, racist totalitarianism no different than Nazism.

Corrupters need to break down realities and reduce them to something they can manage. When doing that, the result is small, dissociated pieces of conflicting realities that serve no purpose but getting rid of an obstacle created by the laws of the universe in defining objective realities.

Corrupters fight a war against rationality for that reason—because rationality is how life is aligned upon the laws of the universe. Being opposed to rationality, objective reality and laws of the universe, corrupters cannot tolerate ordered existence which is created and sustained by objective realities aligned upon the laws of the universe.

Being opposed to ordered existence required corrupters to strip government of all constructive purposes and use government for no other purpose the controlling power over society. Nazis showed how that works; and Trump showed how that works. Trump will not rest until he has a version of Nazism instilled into the U.S. society.

Corruption is played out as a two step process of first tearing down ordered existence and then replacing it with absence of order. Absence of order removes all demands upon corrupters. So then what do they do? They arbitrate existence on the basis of their degenerate whims. Degenerate whims are not consistent; they change minute by minute.

In other words, the end point that corrupters are trying to get to is a self-destructive state that cannot stand on its own. Exploitation is needed to prop up the result. But the sources of exploitation are eventually destroyed by corrupters as they approach the end result of their perversions. As the Nazis showed, the end result is chaotic oblivion that has to be cleaned up by outsiders.

Fake science and technology are in the middle of that process. They are a tear-down of real science and technology, which temporarily puts corrupters in control of the social order. After the electrical and transportation systems get destroyed, there will be nothing left to exploit and outsiders will have to clean up the mess. Will that be the green Martians, or won't there be anyone to clean up the mess this time?

Truth being "self-evident and inalienable in that all men were created equal" is the universe doing the deciding, not the persons.

Racist, white males are not wrong about being shoved out of existence—they can feel the effects. What they are wrong about is the reason. The reason is because they are incompetent corrupters destroying everything they are in contact with. Other white males don't have that problem and are not being shoved out of existence.

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The March To Fascism

Corruption Is An Ethic

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What Corruption Is

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