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Segmented Reality


October 18, 2020

Segmented reality is how corrupters communicate. They can't connected realities together without truth being generated and creating contradictions. So corrupters keep points separated and handle realities as chopped up pieces instead of coherent subjects.

Links do exist in segmented reality, but they are implied links rather than stated, because words defeat corrupters. Linking the pieces together by implication allows corrupters to assume they are promoting a version of reality which could never be described coherently in words. It's how up becomes down and wrong becomes right.

An element of segmented reality is to surround a point with related realities which are never directly connected. An analogy would be to discuss the wisdom of Solomon as a context for an incompetent person without saying how the pieces fit together or what Solomon's wisdom has to do with the other person.

A large percent of the news about Trump is presented with such segmented procedures. Subjects will be discussed with Trump's name plopped into the middle and no explanation of relationships. You read to the end of the article for the missing information, and it is not there.

One of the implications is a normalcy for Trump resulting from a context of normalcy. Another implication is equivalency. Trump is supposedly equivalent to everyone else who fits into that context.

Since most reporting on Trump is so segmented, what does it say about the news? Are most reporters part of Trump's base? Or are they trying to avoid controversy?

This question shows up often in evaluation of Trumpism. Why the soft-peddling of Trump? Regardless of the purpose, the method or standard is extremely degenerate; and the result is promotion of the corruption that Trump is using to replace government with.

One of the most significant examples is associating Trump with religion through proximity and no relationships being described. Trump promotes the antithesis to religion and morality in every way he can as an ethic in life. Yet he is connected to religion through proximity such as standing in front of a church with a Bible in his hand.

Constructing a context is the substitute for descriptive rationality that corrupters use. The more corrupt, the more extreme the context for showing the opposite of the truth. The degree of corruption can just about be measured by the importance of the fake imagery that corrupters surround themselves with. Such as Trump's gold paint everywhere, while he bankrupts everything he touches.

Contrary to Trump's claim of the huge amount of real estate that he owns being a sign of his brilliance, the opposite is true. Bankers love real estate, and bankrupt real estate is even more lucrative than successful real estate, because then the bankers get to collect interest on the loan for several years before owning the property when bankruptcy occurs. The bankers made Trump what he is, because they saw a dupe who would put his name on anything, while they set the terms. The bankers have Trump enslaved chiselling pennies to pay interest on property which they will own eventually.

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