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Shortage Of Metals

March 10, 2022

Know-nothings barely noticed that electrifying transportation is going to require some tweeking of the electrical system. They missed it by a long ways.

There isn't enough metal on planet Earth to electrify transportation for three reasons: One, a lot of rare metals are needed, such as neodimium for permanent magnets, cobalt, nickel, tantalum, etc., and lithium. Two, the transmission lines would need to be increased by a factor of 6,000 when using fake renewables. And three, the lines going to charging stations along hiways would need to be thousands of times existing transmission lines.

The six thousand number for transmission lines is due to the fact that the total energy from fossil fuels is six times as much as present electricity, while renewables would need to be scattered thousands of miles from end-users. At the present time, sources of energy (coal, gas and nuclear) are placed near cities, which shortens the line lengths.

But in actuality, the renewables cannot be produced, because the low hanging fruit is already gone. Most wind and solar sources are too dilute to be practical.

There would need to be as many charging stations as presently existing gas stations, since batteries need charging at least as often as gas tanks need to be filled.

The numbers for that are these: A tank of gas would go 400 miles. A battery for going that far would need to be 100 kilowatt hours (kwh). If the battery is charged in one hour, the energy addition rate would need to be 100 kilowatts. Chargers are 120 or 240 volts. At 240 volts and 100 kilowatts, the amperage would be 417 amps. The largest listed wire on simple charts is 0.289 inch diameter copper carrying 120 amps. Multiplying times 3.5 roughly equals a one inch diamter wire carrying 420 amps. One inch diameter wires are not significantly flexible. About ten such charging units would be needed for each previous gas pump due to the long waiting times.

Getting the energy to the stations can involve higher voltage and less amperage. Underground cables cannot usually be more than 20,000 volts due to arcing into the soil. That means a substation is needed near each charging station for reducing high voltage from overhead transmission lines, which can go up to two million volts. But there is already a shortage of such transmission lines due to their extreme expense and destructiveness to the environment, which means a factor of two would be unmeetable. Quite a ways from a factor of six thousand, huh.

But hell-be-damned, the fakes pretend that they are going to do that. That means a high voltage transmision line following every highway to get to every station and then an electricity substation reducing the voltage at the charging station. There are 160 thousand miles of U.S. highways. (The rest of the world also needs to do the same thing to hypotheticaly get the carbon dioxide out of the air.) The lines following those roads would have half million volt overhead lines, while two million volt lines would lead in from supposed renewable sources such as coastal areas, windy plains or sunny states.

The total result would be tens of thousands of times more transmission lines than presently exist, while there is already a shortage due to the extreme expense of transmission lines and their environmental destructiveness. Not even doubling present lines is feasable.

Even if only 1%ers are going to be driving the electric vehicles, there needs to be just as many charging stations as there are gas stations along highways.

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