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The State Of Energy


February 22, 2021

As many realists have noted, there is no long term solution to energy requirements but nuclear. If a small fraction of the money spent on renewable energy and storage were spent on responsible nuclear, the problems would be solved many times over.

The entire rational for not doing so is greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases are scientifically fraudulent as QAnon theories. Which, of course, means motives replace realities.

The motives for renewable energy are rip off, rip off and more rip off. It solves the conservative problem—how to rip everyone off, make the needy pay for it and end up with only the 1%ers getting energy and transportation out of the result. The frosting is 90% of the cake—rate payers and tax payers make up the difference between realism and rip off.

It isn't being done because of everything getting so cheap that it will all blossom out in song. It's being done because investors want to be ripped off to save the planet. Fracking (now a thing of the past) was costing about 20% more than income, but investors (primarily banks) were willing to lose money on fracking out of love for mankind, American exceptionalism and promotion of conservative ethics—ripping off the needy to pay for power mongering by incompetents.

The logic promoted for the public is that renewables and storage keep getting cheaper and the lines on the graph say the problems will all be solved in 5-50 years. The science says renewable energy is too dilute to be practical for the next 1-1million years.

Coal would be more than adequate for transitioning into nuclear, but it isn't being done, supposedly because of carbon dioxide. If it really were carbon dioxide, a more realistic alignment upon science would be needed. So it's motives. Search the landscape for motives and the results shows the usual. Coal is too available and cheap. The nobodies would benefit instead of the 1%ers and rip off artists benefitting from the present path of renewables.

Besides rip off, a large percent of the input is total stupidity. (Don't they always go together?) Burning natural gas to generate electricity is like burning the furniture. Natural gas is a specialty product that should be used for limited purposes instead of being used for generating electricity.

Coal can generate electricity with no byproducts but water, carbon dioxide and coal ash and cost 4-5¢ per kwh. The whole concept is flushed away on the basis of carbon dioxide being a greenhouse gas. It's too convenient to worry about the science being wrong.

Rip off artists wait until they get to the disaster bridges before crossing them—like Texas is crossing their disaster bridge after the fact. The disaster bridge that is going to be crossed before long is the next ice age. It could have begun already. There is an ice age every 100 thousand years like clockwork. The 100 thousand years are up since the last ice age. A lot of coal will be buried under ice and the nuclear energy needed to replace it won't exist.

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