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The Essence Of January 6

June 22, 2021

What happened on January 6 doesn't make sense, but criminality doesn't have to make sense to determine that it is criminality. At a more basic philosophical level, the reason why it occurred is relevant to understanding corruption.

The odd event of January 6 showed a state of existence. It wasn't a plan created out of analysis. The complete absence of a plan made it incongruous. The state of existence that it showed is incongruous. The task here is to explain that incongruous state of existence.

As a state of existence, the persons were doing what they always do; only the externals were different. Trump gave them an avenue of expression which was unusual and some new power; but they were well practiced and oriented for the process.

The most basic element of corruption is a disconnection from objective reality. Objective reality exposes the incompetence and corruptness of corrupters. Therefore, corrupters fight a war against objective reality and the rationality that is applied to it.

The war against objective reality requires an alternative to it. Trying to get rid of any form of reality would be like trying to get rid of the ocean while drowning in it. Some type of substitute reality must replace objective reality.

The first requirement for the type of reality that replaces objective reality is a disconnect from it and conflict with it. A conflict with objective reality is needed to prevent objective reality from imposing itself upon corrupters. That means corrupters are deliberately obnoxious, not accidentally so. Their obnoxiousness is an attempt to ward off the effects of objective reality and rationality.

But corrupters don't just set up a barrier, which would be trivial. Instead, the primary tactic is to overwhelm with distractingly obnoxious substitutes for rationality. A high degree of obnoxiousness is required as a method of absorbing opponents in conflicts, so normalcy and constructivity cannot be expressed.

Normalcy as constructivity requires rationality based on objective reality. To strip rationality from a subject requires preventing the process of constructivity from occurring. Progressives are hated by corrupters for that reason—rationality and related demands are created through the processes involving constructivity.

And abracadabra, you have January 6. The persons involved were doing what they always do. The only difference is the degree of significance which was generated by a fascist president.

January 6 was an attempt to increase the power of corruption (the essence of fascism) by doing what corrupters do to take over potential sources of power by destroying rationality. Trump gave them a new source of power, and they were attempting to expand that power the way corrupters acquire and expand their power—through an obnoxious assault upon rationality.

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