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Self Defining Righteousness

July 3, 2021

Corrupters (being absorbed in a bubble of insecurities) assume that maximizing their own self-interests is the only logical motive in life. That motive is always harmful to everyone else. There is no concept of betterment of everyone to corrupters.

Rationality and constructivity are methods which everyone benefits from. They don't exist for corrupters due to their incompetence and insecurities.

The reason why corrupters believe in their perversions is because they assume there is no alternative but to maximize their own self-interests. Maximizing requires destruction of everything outside their bubble, or it isn't maximum.

Therefore, the measurement of all that is right (righteousness) is determined by self-prevailing over everyone else, in the assumptions of corrupters. Winning becomes the test of truth, knowledge and virtue in those mindless assumptions.

Corrupters live in a bubble disconnected from objective reality. They link to each other subjectively for the power of numbers while disconnected from relevant realities that shape constructive results.

Being a strange situation a lot of determination goes into coping with the resulting conflicts. The effort and rationalizations transform into self-righteousness in spite of the corruptness.

Producing truth is not self-righteous, because truth only exists when persons are removed from the subject, but producing corrupt reality is extremely self-righteous, because corrupt reality only exists when imposed.

Corruption is based upon a disconnect from objective reality. Corrupters don't know what objective reality is. They assume everyone is shaping reality for their own exploitable purposes, and of course they are the ones who should be determining what reality is, not someone else.

The most significant element of correct reality is the objective reality that it is aligned upon. Objective reality is a pattern created by the demands of the laws of the universe. That means looking for the pattern and getting it right, which often requires much study, is the basis for rationality and constructivity.

Rational existence is making sure the pattern for reality is correct. Corrupters don't know there is a pattern, and they oppose any related concept, because they are entrenched in a state of existence disconnected from objective reality.

Being disconnected from objective reality means putting themselves at the center of the universe in determining what reality is. Their conflict with existence is largely an attempt to make themselves the arbitrators of reality, while nothing exists from such an origin.

The main reason why disputes between corrupters and rational persons can never be resolved is because corrupters are not aligned upon realities and will change realities in any way required. They are aligned upon themselves as being the determiners of what realities should be.

The more opposition corrupters encounter, the more determined they are to replace realities with themselves. They are not trying to determine what reality is; they are trying to put themselves in the position of being the determiners of what reality is.

One of the consequences is that the more corrupters feel threatened by the impositions of reality upon them, the more obnoxious they get in trying to remove the reality element of the problem. Removing reality from their problem means more extreme lying. The more they lose in an argument, they more extreme their lies get. They aren't fighting over what reality is but whether they should be the ones to determine what reality is.

It's extremely self-righteous corruption due to the absence of any concept of objective reality existing. Corrupters are fighting over who should be the arbitrators of reality not knowing that no one should be. Their war against existence is an attempt to put themselves in the position of determining what reality should be.

That's why corrupters fight over persons rather than realities. Who it is that prevails determines what reality is for corrupters. Their lives are a constant battle of us-vs-them in their attempts to determine what reality should be by defeating enemies.


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