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Truth As The Problem

January 24, 2022

There is no sin but the truth about sin to corrupters. Preventing truth from prevailing is an ethic to corrupters. The reason is because truth is the only force corrupters cannot defeat, while it exposes them as the incompetent corrupters that they are.

So there is a mode of operation that corrupters require in preventing truth from overwhelming them. The first requirement is to say the opposite of the truth in attempting to create a barrier to truth being visible. Once the visible truth is suppressed, attempts are made to correct the surrounding realities in an invisible manner, which generally includes lying about everything involved while doing so.

The often-noted example is corrupters rewriting history to erase the results of their corruptness. Already, some journalists are contrasting Trumps successful handling of the pandemic in contrast to Biden's failures. Perhaps, it should be noted that quite recently, and presently in some circles, the obvious fact was that Trump screwed up the pandemic in every way imaginable including lying about it claiming that it would go away on its own in a few weeks.

The new version of Trump's result is that his rapid response was the right way to go about it as indicated by the slogan "warp speed" that his administration applied to vaccine development. Was Biden weak in promoting the vaccine? Trump's newly constructed Supreme Court told Biden to cease and desist in his requirements for vaccines.

When I send descriptions of science errors to scientists, I get no response. When I described the obvious falsehoods of gravity wave measurements in emails which I sent to about five physicists at various universities, I got no response, but within hours, most of the information on their web site for gravity wave measurements was removed. Destroying the truth was the fix.

There has been no significant progress on so-called renewable energy and electric vehicles in the past ten years. Yet those subjects are glamorized as the wave of the future including fake claims of constantly improving technology.

In silicon valley, that pattern is called "fake it until you make it." Lying is only needed until they turn lead into gold. Theranos shows how it works. But didn't others succeed? Only while they can keep lying. Google and Microsoft didn't fake it. The point is, lying is supposedly the answer, while truth screws up the process. Corrupters expect to solve their problems through corruption, as long as they can prevent truth from disrupting the process.

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