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Sociology Of Corruption  72

Thought Process Corruption

October 7, 2022

There is a very distinct pattern of thought process corruption that is visible in such phenomena as QAnon and greenhouse physics. Since science is quite definitive, it is easier to chart the process in science than sociology.

What happened with the greenhouse effect is that incompetent physicists noticed carbon dioxide in a test tube absorbing radiation and heating the gas. So they assumed the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere must be heating the atmosphere. Taking that process apart explains a lot of corruption.

There is an ocean of science that the physicists missed in starting down the path of a greenhouse effect in the atmosphere. It shows that missing reality is the first requirement for thought process corruption.

One question is, why were the incompetents called physicists, when they missed so much science. It shows a social pattern of two types of worth—fake and real. Real is easy to describe as rational relationships. Fake is almost impossible to describe as something resembling a rotten tomato.

Fake worth has many elements to it as described on many web pages here. Memorizing replaces understanding; word salad replaces meaning; and conspiring for power replaces constructivity.

After the starting point of putting fakes in control of processes—the essence of incompetence—the subsequent method of analysis occurs in an absence of proper knowledge. To a large extent, corruption is a void of knowledge that allows absurd assumptions to occur.

Once the absurd assumptions exist, they resist correction, because the absence of knowledge prevents explanations form having meaning. An explanation shows relationships between realities. The problem with corruption is that the explanations are always too limited to fit into the pattern of surrounding realities that lack of knowledge produces.

It would be analogous to taking a complex element out of some device with no evidence of what device it came out of. If the piece contained a gear on a shaft, did it come out of a clock, a robot, a gyroscope? Incompetents have that problem.

Since incompetents cannot fit small pieces of information into larger pieces of knowledge, they don't trust sources of information. Persons trying to explain something to them seem to be propagandists trying to pull something off, because that is what incompetents are and what they assume everyone else is.

What then aligns the thought patterns of incompetents? Motives do. Without a reality basis for assumptions, assumptions are aligned upon motives. One of the motives of incompetents is to destroy the rationality that exposes them as the incompetent corrupters that they are.

For the incompetent physicists observing carbon dioxide being heated by radiation in a test tube, the motive is to make themselves lords of knowledge to justify their position. For QAnon types, the motive is to oppose the obnoxious libs who insist they are corrupt. Being nice about it won't fix the problem; it only tells corrupters they are the wizards they assume they are.

Know-nothings assume science is nothing but garbage for fools; and therefore, replacing it with fraud is an improvement. Fraud redirects realities toward power mongering purposes, which is the only thing incompetent physicists are doing.

Without a reality based existence, power is supposedly the answer to everything. To make power more effective, reality needs to be exterminated leaving nothing but a void.

Nazism is a void with no other purpose than removing all restraints from whim in acting out motives. It's the same goal as Reaganites in getting the government off their backs, though they didn't know the end result would look like Nazism or have such a negative label.

Corrupters assume everything turns into gold, once rationality is replaced by emptiness devoid of restraints on arbitrary whims. Even the Nazis assume they were solving their problems at a social level and only enemies were creating their remaining problems.

Supposedly, all problems can be solved easier without rationality getting in the way. If everyone operated on the basis of whim, there would be more freedom and unrestrained productivity, as if all solutions would flow out of nowhere and only impositions could disrupt the process.

In other words, corrupters only see rationality as an imposition, not as a solution to problems. Solutions are assumed to spring from nothing, once rationality is removed as an obstacle.

Why have universities, if all solutions spring from nothing? Should universities be devoid of rationality? Yes, corrupters assume. That's why they go through the education system on the basis of memorizing word salad. Rearranging word salad supposedly solves all problems—no science needed.

The aide said that guys like me were "in what we call the reality-based community," which he defined as people who "believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality." ... "That's not the way the world really works anymore," he continued. "We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do."

This quote is in a New York Times Magazine article by writer Ron Suskind, quoting an unnamed aide to George W. Bush, October 17, 2004.

How can "the science be settled," if there is no such thing as science? How do know-nothings know carbon dioxide needs to be removed from the air, if science is nothing but word salad? If they are incapable of producing rationality, how capable are they of solving everyone's problems through whim?

The March To Fascism

Why Corruption

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

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