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The Problem Is Standards

July 31, 2021

With proper standards there would be no such thing as corruption or errors or ignorance that influences anything. Wherever there is something wrong, someone isn't doing something properly; and it is quite visible. Yet corrupters insist that their corrupt standards are normal if not superior.

In fact, corrupters often try to promote corruption as a superior standard. It's what conservatives meant by the "new normal" that they were promoting when they took over the world in 1981. It's what Reagan meant by "morning in America." The primary concern of conservatives was to impose different standards as if they were superior.

A standard is the procedure required for constructivity. It is more than easy to define what corrupt standards are. Of course, corrupters won't hear a word of it. Evading accountability is a major preoccupation of corrupters.

The simple characteristics of rationality are obvious enough. Of course, such concerns have no meaning to corrupters, as they have no comprehension of abstract realities. That's why they shouldn't be imposing their corruption onto everyone else. But they assume the opposite. They assume the insistence upon standards is stupidity by fools who don't understand or accept that corruption is the answer to everything.

One reason why corrupters cannot produce constructive standards is that they are driven to promote their motives. They must align realities upon their motives to prevail. Realities never align properly upon motives, because realities must be aligned upon the objective realities created by the universe to support life. The two methods don't mix. Aligning upon motives doesn't mix with aligning upon objective realities.

Corrupters assume that promoting motives is the only realistic standard in life, because it gets them where they want to be in prevailing against everyone else. Rationality prevents them from prevailing. So they assume rationality is for fools. What they miss is that prevailing is not a constructive purpose in life. They are so obsessed with prevailing, spending all of their time directed toward that purpose, that they don't realize prevailing is a corruption.

One of the clearest examples of corrupt standards is the imposition of global warming errors onto society by persons who don't know a thing about the subject but insist that the consensus of science says so. Imposing someone else's errors with no knowledge of the subject should be one of the most obvious corruption of standards imaginable.

Everyone is supposed to be responsible for what they promote. There is no way to be responsible where there is no knowledge of the subject. Depending upon someone else's knowledge does not differentiate between right and wrong, fraud or virtue. Not to mention that consensus is only relied upon when promoting corruption, as it's purpose is to block opposition by removing reality from the subject. Consensus is the same thing as hearsay, rumor, gossip and scandal.

Then saying they can look out the window and see global warming is to flush five hundred years of science down the drain and replace it with nothing. It's asymmetrical reality. It says there is no relevance to the methods that science uses, since it is replaced by whim.

The social structures are disintegrating, as incompetents push their way into them and replace rationality with whim. To Corrupters, whim is superior to rationality. Whim is the absence of standards replacing the standards which align realities upon the objective reality defined by the universe.


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