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The Problem With Pathological Lying

June 29, 2021

The problem with pathological lying is the purpose. If the purpose were socially acceptable, truth would be used. So lying has the purpose of pulling something off.

Why that occurs is almost beyond description. A lie isn't credible to persons who understand the subject, and uninformed persons skip over the logic. So who is kidding who? There is not a reality element to lying. The purpose is to reduce reality to a level of nonsense that motives can prevail unobstructed by logic.

Motives prevailing without a reality element is repurposing human existence. The requirements for human life are built into the universe. People have to solve problems in line with the laws of the universe. In conflict with the laws of the universe, problems are created instead of being solved.

liars don't know that. They assume they are creating a superior standard by replacing human standards aligned upon the universe with their own influences unobstructed by objective reality. In other words, corrupters assume reality is garbage that gets in the way, not the solution to problems.

Corrupters are that way, because they are incompetent at producing rationality. They also consider themselves to be superior persons. If reality obstructs the efforts of superior persons, then it must not be benefitting anyone and persons who assume otherwise are just fools screwing everything up.

Rational persons see the difference in the results. They solve problems. The result is fewer human problems. But corrupters are too stupid to see the relationship between solving problems and producing results. So they assume results come out of corrupt persons arbitrating peoples' lives.

This is why bureaucrats claim electric motors get 96% efficiency and produce electric vehicles which get the equivalent of 100 to 150 miles per gallon. The fauds haven't got a clue as to what an electric motor is, but a fake number keeps them in control of the process, which must in theory be the answer to everyone's problems.

Claiming carbon dioxide is the cause of every human problem has no basis in scientific logic, yet it is the operating standard of society at this time. There isn't the slightest attempt to relate to real science, because adding reality to the question is not the purpose. The purpose is to put incompetent corrupters in control of our lives.

So electrical utilities and the transportation system are supposed to be reduced to nonfunctionality to put incompetent corrupters in control of our lives. Not only are oppressive destroyers making the decisions about our lives, but technology is being reduced to nonfunctionality. Pathological lying is that way.

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