Political Philosophy

Political Philosophy
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Attack Replaces Criticism

October 17, 2021

It's strange what a push-over politics is for conservatives. Their secret to success is to eliminate reality from their rhetoric. Attack replaces reality as their method of winning. There is no way to lose in attacking opponents.

Corrupters never lose a fight. Losing is determined by realities. No realities, no losing.

In other words, in the absence of realities, corrupters can declare themselves to be winners. Winning is declared rather than proven.

Why is winning relevant, if there is no reality element to it? Because it stirs up the base. Winning is getting support, not proving something.

In doing that, corrupters are drawing out the debased forces within other corrupters. It's a fool-proof method of winning. It wins elections for conservatives.

So why do conservatives pretend to be solving everyone's problems, when there is no such thing without realities? Because lying works for them. It goes with debased interests.

Operating outside the reality medium is the ticket to success for conservatives. And it is pure fascism. Trump didn't create fascism in conservative politics; fascism created Trump.

Normal is the reality medium. The laws of the universe which define life determine that reality is normal. So normal persons try to produce reality, while corrupters do not.

It means corrupters win by attack in place of rationality. When attack is the purpose, there is no way to lose.

To Attack is to be a winner. Winners attack; losers criticize, in the world of corrupters.

Concerns have to have a reality element to them, before corrupters can be losers. Stripping reality from concerns is what corruption is all about. When absence of reality becomes official, it is fascism.

When the universe defines the requirements for life, opposition is supposed to consist of criticism. Corrupters would always lose, if they attempted to add reality to a subject through criticism. So they attack critics instead of criticizing.

Attack is the method of replacing reality with force. Force is the opposite of reality.

Stripping realities from politics seems like stripping problems from existence to corrupters. Corrupters would rather pretend away problems than try to solve them.

Conservatives are corrupters appealing to corrupters; and stripping reality out of rhetoric is how the process works.

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